UPDATE: It was confirmed to me from those in the chambers that it was Mayor TenHaken who was mocking Theresa, as we all suspected. I still think this clown show could be prevented at meetings if 1) we put public input at the beginning of the agenda and 2) rescind the council rule to interact with the public during input.

I think I know the voice of the gentleman softly mocking Theresa last night during public input of Item #51 (click on the item and the video will fast forward) but I will let you make your own assumptions.

Theresa was reminiscing about her time on the council and the presentation of the new waste water treatment plant when she started to bring up her recollection of the process.

She said she requested an amortization schedule from Public Works Director, Mark Cotter, at the time for paying off the waste water bonds. During her input you could hear someone on the dais quietly mock her. When Theresa says that we may have cost overruns on the project, ‘someone’ on the dais mumbles into their microphone ‘Oh Yeah? Really?’ in a sarcastic voice. Stehly also talks about the public being left in the dark and this same passive aggressive voice whimpers from the dais ‘Hmmmm’ and later ‘Uh Huh.’

Like I said, you have a pretty good guess who was being a brat from the bench, but the individual doing this doesn’t really matter. The fact is the public is constantly told by the chairs of these council meetings that we need to practice ‘decorum’ at these meetings because gosh golly three cub scouts showed up while all the time they are personally acting like kids who got their ball stolen.

Someone needs to tell these folks it’s study hall time not recess time.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “UPDATE: Who was mocking Theresa Stehly at the Sioux Falls City Council meeting last night?”
  1. Teresa also spoke to the county commission yesterday regarding the illegal suppression of petition gathering at the county administration building.

  2. He presides and sits with the attitude of a frat house president at a Monday night frat house meeting just after he had someone else take a b-school test for him in a large auditorium classroom.

    #IsntItTime4DaddyO2SendHisMonthlyCheck? #WhatSororityRWePartyingWithThisFridayNite?

  3. What goes around comes around. Mr. ONE will not handle childish mannerism as well as Stehly. Is this mayor destined to become another cry baby?

  4. Without making insults, I am not engaging in political attacks, or personal attacks against any public official. That is not respectful, I will allude to the fact that Theresa did make some great points against the fee increases, and the council should heed to some of her comments, as with any other person who speaks out.

    She did call out the Mayor in her comments, so, you almost have to take some of the abuse, or negative press from that position as well, there was some little ‘cat fight’ between them. But again, this is just simple Human Nature. You come at me, I am going to bark back. None of us like to be told we are wrong, or bad, or hear negatives.

    I take a lot of heat for my comments also, and sometimes they lead to some pretty interesting exchange in commnets or body behavior, that is human nature. “WE” are imerfect creatures of God.

    If I am ever elected to that position, to the council, and I have to sit in front of all those people, taking all the negative, constant criticism as much as some give each week, I have no idea how I would act in return. I would guess, it would get old after awhile, I mean, some of the same people routinely come foward with the same mental, and emotional abuse of words every week, and folks, put yourself in the Councils’ position. Are you goign to grow tired of the same repeat talking points, let alone abusive commentators?

    You can get your point across by being respectful, using class, and being mindful of others, and speaking with a small voice, just as much as you beleive you can with a loud, obnoxious voice. T.R once said – “Speak softly, but carry a big stick” meaning, control your demeanor, and eventually, people will listen to you over the long haul.

    Be respectful, speak gentle, softly, and yield a big stick. Meaning, make your point, in the most respectful means possible, and walk away from the podium as if you meant every word you say, and simply sit back down in your seat.

  5. I don’t take much pity in a body that refuses to rescind the public policy of responding to public inputers. They put themselves in this position and they have the power to change it. Mayor Munson used to respond to public inputers all the time.

  6. Anyone with a “tool box” should be able to handle an alleged insult.

  7. I have never had a hard time getting along with the Mayor as I speak, I also do not yell, or attack him either. However this past Tuesday, I do not recall him bashing or hindering, or doing any negative thing towards Ms. Theresa Stehly – i heard exactly what was said:

    Ms. Theresa Stehly “I believe their may be some cost over run….”

    City Council. “Oh…really?”

    Ms. Theresa Stehly, “Yes Sir”

    I thought it was an interesting exchange of words..I would not say it was a negative thing.

    Then there was the Exchange between Mayor Paul and a nice gentleman named Grant during public comments, that was a very nice, respectful exchange between the two.

    You have to commend the Mayor as of late, he has been running a very professional, and good public meeting.

  8. We all choose to see what we want to I guess. I saw a meeting chair trying to have fun with a fellow councilor by sarcastically mocking a constituent from the dais.

  9. She helped bring about Snowgates to SF. For that I’m happy. Otherwise, she brought nothing else to the table. She was always on the losing end of most every vote. Having attended many CC meetings I was amazed how many stupid questions/comments she made or asked.

  10. Well Lemming, stupid is as stupid does. Trust me, I don’t agree with a lot of what Theresa professes, but I embrace the activism.

    “To find yourself, think for yourself.” ~ Socrates

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