A long time manager at the Dudley House has left the organization. This of course would not be breaking news unless a new food truck was involved, because most people who work for shelter organizations don’t last but a couple of years because of the stress of the job, so turnover is inevitable in the industry.
The issue with this departure is that this person was very popular amongst the staff and as I understand it this position will likely NOT be replaced making many employees questioning leadership and the board’s decision to leave the position open.
I just received my Sunday Argus with Sunday’s date on it in the mail today, which is Saturday. How did they know what is happening immediately now and tonight for tomorrow’s paper? Wasn’t there a TV series about this once?
Or, is this just old news for me to archive with a presumptuous date? #ArchiveLeader #WeeklyCountyGazette
Bishop Dudley is funded by the Catholic Church and a few private contributions. On a busy day it takes $4k to operate. Nearly all goes to helping the homeless. Other charities are less than 60%. United Way and ASPCA are some of the worst. Management bleeds out salaries, bonuses, and exotic expensive meeting vacations. The Dudley director is a super hero who can’t cope more than a few years. Homelessness is a city scourge that’s bad for the 8th and Railroad reputation. The mayor uses his ‘Bag of Tricks’ like Netanyahu attacking Gaza. Wiping out a manager is a sad example of how city authoritarian government tactics work.