Pat had been floating the idea since this Fall and has decided to announce he will be running. There are 2 incumbents, one is running for sure, not sure about the other one. There is also a former school district super running for the seat.

The School Board election is in coordination with the city council election in April. The top two vote getters will win a seat on the board.


City Councilor Announces Candidacy for Sioux Falls School Board

Sioux Falls, SD – February 7, 2024 – Pat Starr, a Sioux Falls City Councilor, announced today that he is running for the Sioux Falls Sioux Board.

Starr has served on the Sioux Falls City Council for the past 7-plus years. He is term-limited on the City Council at the end of his current term in May.

With a commitment to the betterment of the Sioux Falls School District, and the empowerment of students, parents, and educators, Starr brings a wealth of experience and passion to this crucial role.

With Starr’s experience in public service, he understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing our schools. With a background in business Starr is well-prepared to collaborate with stakeholders and enact positive change.

If elected, Starr pledges to:

  • Advocate for equitable access to quality education for all students.
  • Foster a safe, inclusive, and nurturing learning environment.
  • Support innovative teaching methods and curriculum development.
  • Promote transparency and accountability within the school system.
  • Listen to the concerns and ideas of students, parents, teachers, and community members.

“I am proud of my service on the Sioux Falls City Council. I have a consistent voting record of never voting for a tax increase in almost 8 years. I have been a voice for those in the community who haven’t had a voice. I plan to take that record with me to the Sioux Falls School Board.”
The Sioux Falls School Board election is on April 9, 2024, in conjunction with the Sioux Falls City Council election.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor Pat Starr to run for SF School Board”
  1. Who will the Sioux Falls political establishment solicit and fund in order to attempt to deny Pat’s voice from reaching the school board?

  2. City council is a dead end. Mostly because, per the charter, the mayor has all the power. Corruption at city hall is obvious and undeniable. Starr is smart enough to find another office where he can make a difference. This is the first big step toward moving up politically. He’ll not be another councilor soon gone and forgotten.

  3. “I have a consistent voting record of never voting for a tax increase in almost 8 years.”
    Pat Starr has been more fiscally conservative than any of the Mayors and other City Council members who served during that time, most of which mascarade as “Republican”.


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