It just made sense since the park was always closed when it was too cold or too hot;

The Goldilocks principle is named by analogy to the children’s story “The Three Bears”, in which a young girl named Goldilocks tastes three different bowls of porridge and finds she prefers porridge that is neither too hot nor too cold but has just the right temperature.

This place is such a grift for the people involved. We spend millions each year on this place and it is literally not open. Stop the games, turn Great Bear into a public park for winter and summer rec. No more lifts, snow makers and lodges, and let the public decide when and how they are going to use their investment!

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Sioux Falls ‘Great Bear’ Ski Park to rename to ‘Three Bears’”
  1. “Say, is Sanford still planning to build that huge dome over part of their campus near their main hospital like they claimed about 15 years ago?”….. “Because if so, maybe instead they should just place that dome over Great Bear, then we could have like a 12 month season indoor skiing place, huh?” #DakotaDubai #LetDennySolveTheProblem ………..:

  2. Still another idea would be to pre-purpose it into a gravel pit. The cost savings and revenue could fund a new water treatment plant.

  3. The next big folly will be a ‘Sphere’ like for Vegas. It could be color block painted like the parking garage tower when it fails. It’s best to suggest such foolishness. The city never does anything citizens ask for. It must always be big, impractical, and their idea.

    Keep these thoughts coming. It could force budget to be spent on infrastructure. Oops, shouldn’t have said this.

  4. We almost had a sphere here and decades before Vegas. Back in the early 80s, there was a movement by some of our local civic leaders to build a huge sphere near the cloverleaf where I-90 and I-29 meet, but instead we just got a big Amazon building instead. I also noticed the Argus piece in this cite makes mention of Neal Hines’ candidacy, which was in ’83 against Loila Hunking:

  5. Okay, so the state Supreme Court has know told us what a state contract is relative to a state legislator…. But, how about if Noem now asks the state Supreme Court what “state business” means…. 😉

  6. D.S. is on to something.
    Perhaps the taxpayers of Sioux Falls should advocate that the City give more TIF’s to developers.
    Not only would the Mayor, City Council and City bureaucracy turn a deaf ear to the requests from citizens, the state legislature would follow quickly to twist legislation to prevent / prohibit that which a consensus of citizens might want. They would call a special session, if necessary, to subvert the will of the people.

  7. There was a time when Great Bear was privately owned and (as I recall) operated at a loss. So the city bought it for the few hundred folks in the area who use it.

    How about a City owned ping-pong arena?

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