Sioux Falls

Sanford and City of Sioux Falls plans to hold a joint press conference today

Funny, didn’t see this announcement anywhere on the city website, so I guess you have to get any information from the private seller instead of the public buyer. There has also been NO word on what the place will be called, but it seems Sanford may have cut a deal where their name stays on the building, Not Sure, just speculating;

Wellness Center Updates
Wellness Center members,We have several updates to share with you today from both the City of Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation leadership team and the Sanford Wellness Center leadership team. There is a lot of information here that may be beneficial for you, so we invite you to take a few moments to read through the following.

Parks &  Recreation Update
As you know, Sanford Wellness Center Tea-Ellis is transitioning to new ownership under the City of Sioux Falls. On Jan. 1, 2025, the Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation Department will begin operating the facility. At that time, its new name will be the Westside Recreation Center.
We are planning to announce some key operational changes in a press conference at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at the facility. You are welcome to attend in person or watch live online on the City’s YouTube channel and the City’s Facebook page. We want to share the updates with you here first.

Consistent Operations and Smooth Transition
The City’s goal on day one is to maintain consistent operations and a smooth transition for users of the facility. Many of the services and amenities current members have come to know and love will still be there when the City takes over. This means the facility will have the same fitness equipment, pool, locker rooms, group exercise classes (land, water, cycling) and other amenities.

Operational Changes Effective Jan. 1, 2025, at Westside Recreation Center (formerly Tea-Ellis)
• Kid-Zone Operations: Drop-in childcare under KidZone will no longer be available. Parks and Recreation will offer new, structured programs in this space at specified times and dates. Examples could include arts and crafts, movie nights and more. Users will need to register for these programs beforehand and have a pass to the Westside Recreation Center to attend. The cost of the programs is free unless specified otherwise.
• Open Seven Days a Week: The facility will be open on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Facility hours Monday through Saturday will remain the same.
• Towel Service: Under City ownership, the facility will no longer offer towel service. Members will be asked to bring towels when they visit.
• New Rates: Starting in January, there will be daily, monthly and yearly pass options with no contract. Current members and the community will be able to sign up for passes starting in early December.

Membership Update and Hiring Information
• We’re excited to announce that Deena Rogers will be the new Recreation Center Coordinator, and Grayson Lange will be a Recreation Program Specialist. Deena and Grayson are already familiar faces at the facility, as they are current Sanford employees. It’s exciting to have them aboard!
• Applications for part-time positions will open Thursday, Oct. 17. We’re looking for individuals to lead, assist and provide oversight with programs, classes, leagues and events. Starting Oct. 17, the job posting can be found at
• In December, current members will be able to sign up for a monthly or annual pass in the City’s new system. A full calendar of classes and events will also be available at that time. Be on the lookout as you plan your fitness and recreation activities for the new year!
From now through the end of the year, you will continue to see current Sanford employees as well as City employees from several different departments preparing for this transition. Starting Nov. 12, City representatives will be available in the facility to answer any questions. In the meantime, you can visit for the latest information as this webpage will continue to be updated or email with questions.

Sanford Wellness Center Update
Throughout the last several months, the Sanford Wellness Center leadership team has been evaluating current operations across our three locations (Oxbow, Tea-Ellis and the Fieldhouse). While specific programming and group fitness conversations are still in the works, we have established updated days of operation and a new reduced membership fee structure.
Effective January 2025 at Sanford Wellness Center:
• The Oxbow location will be open seven days a week. Hours are still being finalized.
• Note: We will resume Saturday hours on Jan. 11, 2025.
• The new member fee structure will be as follows:
Individual $49 plus tax per month
Couple  $59 plus tax per month
Family  $69 plus tax per month

• Sanford Wellness Center members will maintain access to Sanford Fieldhouse as they always have.

Additionally, plans to reopen the pool and new locker rooms are still on track for late November. We also look forward to sharing more details about some exciting changes coming to Oxbow in 2025.

On behalf of both our teams, thank you for your continued curiosity and support as we work to move this transition forward as smoothly as possible for you, our members and the community.

Mike Davidson
General Manger
Sanford Wellness Center

Brett Kollars
Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation
City of Sioux Falls

In Accordance with Robert Rules? LOL!

Look at at this change to policies, (page 13) they are trying to find cover from their Constitutional duties;

Robert’s is a guideline on how to run a meeting, but those RULES do not supersede the 1st Amendment or US Constitution. Like I told the council last Tuesday (FF: 1:10) these are consideration rules that the public AND the council should use as a guideline to the meetings, but when it comes to PUBLIC INPUT anything besides violent threats is allowable and limiting speakers is blatant censorship and little else.

Instead of spending so much time trying to silence the public, why don’t you talk to us? The only time I see councilors is at Carnegie, makes you wonder if some of them are playing Marshall Selberg Musical Districts on us? Speaking of that crooked fella, still wondering why all the councilors and mayor shirked their responsibility of managing their own? Selberg should have been booted from the council and he should have been charged, but not these guys, circle the f’ing wagons.

Argus drops case against the Skab

A good attorney would have told you, you can’t win. So why didn’t the same attorney tell you to file NEW charges in a NEW case?! I have said this is NOT about state law and filing deadlines this is about a MASSIVE conflict of interest. Every single elected official on that dais, including Mayor Poops, received donations and campaign help from the Skab’s main investor, Matt Paulson, then they voted to GIVE a contract to the same person who donated to their campaigns. But it gets even better, they all knew Matt and his Peach colored Lambo SUV was an investor in the Skab before the vote, but the public didn’t know. Probably one of the most unethical and corrupt votes I have ever seen the council take. Quid pro Quo. How can anyone TRUST the council to make a decision based on fairness from now on? They can’t. And here is the kicker, the Argus has more circulation and reach then the Skab, so this tells me the decision by the councilors was based on bias and not facts. I will say it again, I don’t think either paper should have the notices, a gigantic waste of tax dollars. You can see all the notices to your heart’s delight for free online and if you don’t know what the internet is you can always go down to the clerk’s office and get a copy. So wasteful, but not surprising since our state legislature is ran by the stupidest people imaginable. Still waiting for ETC. or 605 Magazine to apply for the notices. I wonder if the AL counsel even knows what a conflict of interest is . . . remember when Randall Beck was gunning for the Denty?

Ironically, if the AL would have reached out I could have provided them evidence of the corruption and lies with some very colorful text messages from one of the Skab owners(?). To which he sent me even more nasty messages before I had to block him. He’s a real Prickly Pear. Maybe the council pricked the Skab because of their enormous professionalism 🙂 and almost Pulitzer Prize winning journalism in uncovering Noem’s hair salon receipts.

UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Council changes title of Budget Analyst one week after hiring replacement

UPDATE: I contacted a current city councilor about this and they said they were unsure what was going on. A former city official told me this title change is NOT going towards the new budget analyst but the CURRENT council chief of Staff, Jim David. But what is confusing is that Mr. David would also be the direct supervisor of the clerk staff which is odd since the city clerk is really the defacto COS of council because of charter language. So why is Mr. David getting the new position and NOT the city clerk? That answer I cannot give you.

Most organizations would have changed the title before advertising the position, but that is NOT how the city council does things. Half-Backwards. The Budget Analyst/legislative advisor was retiring so the city council was tasked with replacing that person (a position that I thought the city really didn’t need because I was unaware of any policy he helped work on or crafted over the years). We also PAY the municipal league to lobby the legislature on our behalf, so having an internal legislative person seems like duplicity.

So I guess the city council just waited for this person to retire before admitting that the position was obsolete;

So why didn’t they just advertise the position that way? Oh, that’s right, because if you look under the pay grade, you will see they get quite the bump. Not bad, getting a raise a week after you are hired, she must be an over achiever. I wonder if the pay bump will be discussed in the meeting. Doubtful.

While I agree the council staff should have some kind of a supervisor, they already do, the city clerk. So why isn’t he the supervisor for the city council staff? I don’t think the council staff needs a direct supervisor but someone who they can go to with day to day HR stuff but the council chairs really should be the direct supervisors.

It’s funny how the new council is taking on all this new staff and I don’t think it was their idea, I think that the council chairs, Soehl and Merkouris have been cooking up these staff additions for awhile so that when stuff goes south on the council they can blame staff, oldest political trick in the book.

Did SOS Monae Johnson cancel a speaking engagement at Augie hosted by Turning Point USA?

Augustana has wiped the event from their yearly schedule, but I did ascertain this promotional piece;

What I am hearing is that she abruptly cancelled the meeting and the reasons given are varied rumors, so I won’t list them, but FIRST I am curious if the event WAS cancelled and if so, WHY and by WHO?

These clowns were hosting the event, so it was a good possibility they may have canceled it due to student protests. But Johnson is known for her thin skin and paranoia around ‘liberals trying to get her.’ I’m guessing someone from the student body council told them to go to Heck (though if I was a student I totally would have allowed it and showed up to watch the comedy show and challenge the fools during Q & A. The best way to solve our political discourse in this country is to talk to each other, share our views and correct and critique each other. Things won’t improve if we stay in our own bullpens. That is my biggest complaint about young libs, they constantly preach to the choir. Expand your horizons. I worked on several political campaigns and majority of them were Republicans because I believed in their policy ideas. I heard a quote from Tim Johnson today (RIP) “Neither party has an advantage on good ideas or bad ideas.”)