The Senate State Affairs is hearing the GOP’s bill to chip away at your right to propose and vote on laws on Friday, November 6, 2014 at 9 or 10am (The Brown Bill 166) (You can listen by clicking the podcast link here.)
They will also be tackling the budget issue HJR1001. This editorial says it all;
“South Dakotans who think a balanced budget amendment is common sense fail to realize both the complexity of a national economy and the dependence small states have on the federal government.”
I also find the irony and hypocrisy of giving themselves a raise. $6,000 for 40 days of work ain’t bad, considering if it was a full-time gig they would be making about $50K a year. But the hypocrisy comes from not wanting to raise teacher wages and trying to fiddle with the minimum wage increase. So this is my suggestion to the State Legislature, put it on the ballot and let the citizens of SD decide if you need a raise.

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