More evidence the SD State Legislature is out of touch with constituents
The sad part is that they don’t care and are on a mission from God;
- By a 36%-58% margin, voters oppose “a school voucher program, also known as education savings accounts, where the state gives parents tax dollars that pay for their student to attend a private school or be homeschooled rather than a public school.”
- This opposition includes parents of public school students (21% of the electorate), who oppose the proposal by a 33%-58% margin.
When I talk to parents that home school or send to private school (Chritian) they are opposed to them also. They understand that it is a CHOICE to send their kids to whatever school they want to and enjoy that freedom. They feel that public funding should only be for public schools and this is a slippery slope. I would agree. Of course the legislature claims public schools are ‘indoctrinating’ students. Which I found laughable since public school kids are not forced into Mass during the school day. Let’s talk indoctrination. This will likely pass with the 10 Commandments, and once again the SD State Legislature which is 90% right wing nutzos, didn’t listen to the voters just the Bible stuck up their arsses.