Would be nice to hear some chatter like this in Sioux Falls;

When the billionaire T. Denny Sanford meted out cash, his philanthropy often begot physical tributes. Hospitals plastered his name on emergency rooms and nursing homes; bronze statues were erected in his likeness. In the case of National University in San Diego, the school’s chancellor reportedly displayed a cardboard cutout of Sanford following a $350 million pledge in 2019. The university agreed to name itself after him, too.

Now, following reports that Sanford has been investigated for possible possession of child pornography, some National students are calling for distance.

“They should just give the money back,” said Perry Craz, who is pursuing a master’s degree in special education and teaching. “I don’t see any benefit by having Sanford’s name put on the top of the ticket.”

If, and that’s a big if, Sanford gets indicted on any charges and convicted (I’m not holding my breath) Sioux Falls would become the laughing stock of the Midwest for all the money we sucked out of him. It reminds of the scene in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ where George sees the name of the town as ‘Pottersville’ or should we say ‘Sanfordville’.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Students at National University in San Diego, not to happy about Sanford’s Gift”
  1. Hilarious! Most these kids prolly smoked a J last night, cheated on their last test and fully embrace the fully deserved label of Snowflake! But they’ve drawn some ethical line in the sand on free stuff! Heard that old saying you’d B~tch if yer ice cream is tooo cold!?

    If TDenny wants to send me some cash, I will happily accept it! No questions asked! Wink/wink!

  2. Denny is in town this week. How do we know? Only one cell phone started ringing during the Sanford International panel at Rotary this week. Guess whose?

  3. Was it his phone, or a corporate phone? If it’s a corporate phone with the passwords known to more than one, then it would be hard to pin on anyone, right? That’s why a smart politician never drives.

  4. They’re not to happy? Are they to sad instead? You need to find your 4th grade English teacher and slap her for passing you.

  5. “‘slap her’?”… “I was always hoping that the anti-quotation boy was only passively aggressive”…. “I guess not”….

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