UPDATE: I think it will pass and be signed into law. I just found out the House took out the gaming hall exception.

I think the smoking ban will fail in the Senate but if it does pass, Rounds will veto it and use the Deadwood gaming hall exception as his excuse claiming it gives them an unfair advantage.

What do you think?

2 Thoughts on “South DaCola legislative prediction – Smoking Ban

  1. Ghost of Dude on February 26, 2009 at 9:51 am said:

    I think they’ll all look pretty stupid again when the ban is made into an initiated measure and passes.
    Just like they looked pretty stupid when they passed the abortion ban we shot down.

  2. Do you think they care? I think they are so full of themselves and arrogant they really don’t give a rat’s ass what we think. I’m not saying all the legilators, but the majority think we are not smart enough to govern ourselves.

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