Okay, Hos and I were having a drink tonight and she decided that tomorrow night would be perfect for a South DaCola Fest (4?), at Black Oak Arkansas’s show, Phoenix Lounge, Harrisburg, SD.

So show up, and have some fun, and maybe some of my crazy contributors will show up.

I heard Sy is buying . . .

This picture has nothing to do with festivities, but I thought her boobies were nice.


By l3wis

14 thoughts on “A South DaCola Fest to end all Fests and such”
  1. Out. Until the baby no longer sleeps in our room, I can’t stumble home drunk.
    And it’s a really long walk.

  2. “I heard Sy is buying . . .”

    Why? Because I’m a self-employed, white man in America? Ya’alls beggin’ mofo’s can get the fuck off my motherfuckin’ porch.

    and yes, those are nice boobies…decent CSL’s as well. See, form fitting looks good on her, not so much on Jim Dandy.

  3. No problem, AG….in these cases, it’s best to work backwards.

    The “L” stands for Lips. From there you should be good to go.

  4. Why? Because I’m a self-employed, white man in America?

    Oh crap…

    *ducks and hides business card*

  5. I’m just a crazy commentor… not a crazy contributor, so I guess I probably won’t be making it.

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