I still think this was one of the dumbest city council decisions in a long time. In fact two councilors told me they were opposed to it, and still voted for it anyway;

The city of Sioux Falls is issuing $30.8 million in bonds to pay for higher levees and other flood-control measures along the Big Sioux River and Skunk Creek.

The bonds were to be issued earlier this year, but the offering was shelved because city officials thought the Army Corps of Engineers would get about $11 million in federal stimulus money to finish its share of the project. That money never materialized.

Sioux Falls officials decided to pay for the project after the Federal Emergency Management Agency expanded the flood plain in the city, meaning about 1,600 more properties had to have flood insurance.

The city is pledging sales tax revenue for the bonds but might eventually be repaid by the federal government.

First off, like I have said in the past, we shouldn’t be subsidizing the FEDS, and secondly, we should not be borrowing money to build bridges, it should be budgeted into our 2nd penny budget, but since that kitty is dry from buying rock and wood thingies at McKennan Park for Quen Be De’s favorite park it looks like we are behind the eight ball once again. I can’t wait for the insanity that will be caused by closing 41st street down to 2 lanes next summer.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Stupid SF city council decision comes to fruition”
  1. MCC should sue stipulating (after late 2006) they were under duress because home rule denied them appeal. They were forced to give easements because the city is not a constitutional democracy. They need ‘judicial review’ to contest the city’s eminent domain authority if NEITHER party can appeal into court. Meanwhile (years), they can continue uninterrupted by levee’s work with usual profits. A good attorney has at least 3 cases and numerous uncompensated witnesses to present. With delays and obstruction, the case should remain in court for at least 5 years. Hopefully, there will be one good flood and the fed’s will step in to take control from the corrupt politician/developer network.

  2. You mean 7 figures. If there’s any way to audit the 31 million, this expenditure should be evident. However, political criminals are more transparent than organized crime. The paper shredders at city hall will be working overtime the week of the election.

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