
Shortly before the municipal election, South DaCola foot soldier, CR, contacted me and saw in a news video clip that councilors Erpenbach and Aguliar were taking an E-Polling, election worker class. CR was concerned that they may be volunteering to help with the election (talk about improper and conflicts of interest!). I ASSUMED they were taking the class to have some knowledge of E-Polling. Nothing improper about that . . . then this;

I have been hearing a rumor that City Councilor Sue Aguilar, representative from the Southeast District, was delivering election ballots and picking up ballots from polling places during Tuesday’s school board/city council and charter revision election.

WTH!? IF this is true, is she that clueless how unethical and improper it is to do that? If it is true, she needs to resign. When someone was being mean to my grandma, she used to say, “They were taking 500 mg ugly pills.” I’m wondering if Sue was taking 1,000 mg stupid pills. Geez!

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Never ASS U ME anything.”
  1. If this is true, there needs to be a public outcry against this unethical behavior. This is wrong on many levels. Resign councilor! This is inexcusable.

  2. My guess is the Argus will print NOTHING regarding this matter. Just another good citizen doing her civic duty in the best little city in America.

  3. Should she resign? Probably. Will she? doubtful. Even if it were to go before the Ethics Board, the worst that would happen would be a slap on the wrist.

  4. Well first thing she should do is an on camera interview so we can look in her eyes. How hard would it be for KELO to drag their camera down to the Diner?

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