As I have pointed out several times after the municipal election and the run up to it, there were many issues with voting.

Besides the musical polling places every time there is an election, there are still problems with registration.

Last Friday someone told me that him and his wife recently moved into a new home and checked their voter registration to make sure it would be current. They are supposed to be registered in District 11, but were told they were in District 9 and voting at MariCar. This person pointed the problem out to Bob Litz and nothing was really done about it except they were told to still vote in District 9.

Last night they checked online, and they were still listed in District 9. So they went to vote at 7:30am this morning.  Fortunately, all the precinct workers knew him because his name (and his wife’s) was not listed on the voting roster!

They called the Auditor’s office to confirm that he was registered, but couldn’t explain the omission.  He had to fill out an Emergency Voting Card in order to vote.  He told me he felt sorry for the precinct workers as all the power – except lights – was shut off in there … no AC and the clock was stuck on 11:10.  He shared his story at public input this morning at the county commission meeting. (The video is not up yet, but I hear the CC was not to happy).

My conclusion all along after the municipal election fiasco is that heads need to roll on these mishaps, saying an election went ‘smoothly’ when it was an absolute disaster is just sugar coating the problem. We’ll see how things go tonight. Let’s just say, if Bosworth wins the Republican Senate ticket spot, we know something isn’t working correctly in the auditor’s office.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Still issues with voting”
  1. I’m going to vote. I’ll start looking for a polling place in the top 30 metro cities and (hopefully) find a polling place before I get to South America. I’ve got my hole punch for non working chads and my paper cutter for different size ballots. Will it help to cross out part of the questions with undefined answers?

  2. Voting should be easy as loading the dishwasher. Just get your wife drunk. Note to self, need a wife.

  3. Why in the world would a home owner be offering a voting place and Litz took her up on it. If one handicap person could not vote today by not having access to an ADA stall, etc etc, the fine starts at $30k, and escalates quickly usually doubling each time. I wonder who picked up the commercial insurance liability policy for the day? WTF on a school not wanting a place where voters can go. I guess he might get a city job sooner than later with MMM.

    The county and the MMM goof must be prepping to unleash hell on Riverside area. I know, maybe the train switch yard just got on the table to go right down Rice street from Cliff pass Cleveland ave. I think Shape Places will allow the council to unleash hell with little for anyone to do boo. Wouldn’t that be a hoot.

  4. And yet the Dems will manage to screw up this race as well, and Lutz gets a 2nd term.

  5. For the last 4+ years I have notified various individuals and gov’t entities that although I live in and am registered in district 14, my name is still on the rosters for district 13. I always have a relative in that district check for me when they vote at the IPC building. I have never voted twice during an election but it bothers me that I could and no one has fixed this problem.

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