Theresa will be talking about her possible petition drive to stop the city from dictating how much landscaping can be in your boulevard. Tree trimming may also be attached to the petition (The city will work in partnership with citizens to trim the boulevard trees, instead of doing it and charging/fining citizens).

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Stehly to be guest on VPU on KSOO today @ 5”
  1. Good Interview.

    Finally, Rick and Theresa agree on something!

    My understanding, from Tuesday’s Informational meeting, is they are sending this issue to committee and it will not be looked at by the full Council until sometime next year.

  2. Careful Theresa, you’ll get citations without premise and I’ll have to bail you from jail for ‘public mayoral nuisance’.

  3. Treasa Be carefull. Ive been warned. People who will not cow tow the little Dicktator may be criminalized by his minions.

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