Tree Trimming and Snowgate History



Code Attorney comes to the city.

The Ugly Table

Probably our Best Rant-A-Bit

The day Pitty-Patt thought he could work a real government job. How does that saying go about screwing up a wet dream?

Part of the reason Staggers lost to Huether, the smear campaign

Dear John . . .

The Pie Party stays the same

The Big Poo

And the mission was accomplished


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Best of DaCola”
  1. Why can’t I watch city council meetings? Firefox, IE, and Chrome don’t work. Is there a plug-in I need????

  2. Liked the Big Poo pic. Devious and unsettled how Huether sabotaged Staggers. Reminder, Denny Dome contracts were awarded before there was a location and without bids (ref. Dear John). Disgusting how the city fought snow gates and continues unconstitutional code enforcement tactics. Kudos to Brandon for clarifying responsibility for boulevard trees. They’re an example of an all American city. They respect constitutional liberty and don’t consider themselves sovereign from state and federal law (i.e. Sioux Falls).

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