What!? You haven’t heard the news?!

Today, Monday, October 17, 2016, the Human Rights Campaign released its Municipal Equality Index, and Sioux Falls has improved its score by 12 points over last year’s score.

The Municipal Equality Index examines how inclusive municipal laws, policies, and services are of the LGBTQ people who live and work there. Cities are rated based on nondiscrimination laws, the municipality as an employer, municipal services, law enforcement, and the city leadership’s public position on equality.

Last year, Sioux Falls scored a 28 out of a possible 100 points. This year, Sioux Falls’ score is 40. Sioux Falls improved its score over last year, in part, because of its leadership’s public position on LGBTQ equality and its pro-equality legislative or policy efforts. The Municipal Equality Index also found that the City is a welcoming place to work.

“Sioux Falls still has some work to do, but I’m thrilled that our city is becoming more inclusive to all people, including the LGBTQ community,” says Colleen Moran, Assistant City Attorney. “We are working hard to engage the community and provide residents with opportunities to promote and embrace a more inclusive Sioux Falls.”

Sioux Falls is one of nine cities in South Dakota scored by the Human Rights Campaign. Of those nine cities, Brookings received the highest score at 50. More information, including Sioux Falls’ full scorecard, is available at www.hrc.org/mei.

So who is throwing the party? Maybe we could have it at the Avera cafeteria when SF finest are at the feeding trough there? I’m sure with all of their new diversity training they would be welcome to the idea. We could also play the party game ‘He said, she said.’

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Get out the Champagne! Sioux Falls goes from an ‘F’ minus to an ‘F’ in equality rating”
  1. Of course we must consider the background of this Human Rights Campaign and it’s funding source. Is it an off shoot of the Gay Rights movement?

    Could it be funded by a strong leftist group such as the many supported by renown George Soros trying to change America’s conservatism?

    My point is before we all condemn or accept the accuracy of accusations, check to examine the validity and background of the group pointing the finger. Jump to no conclusions.

  2. Yeah, with our strong right-wing neo-con community we should be happy with this rating . . . NOT.

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