Of course it is Budget season at Carnegie, so the council starts their Tuesday again with a budget presentation.

Topics at hand are Police Department, Fire Department, Planning Department & Transit.

The council meeting is a little sleepy, but there is a few things worth noting.

Item#1, Consent Agenda, more money being thrown at entertainment facilities, gotta burn that entertainment tax just as fast as the money comes in. Convention center is getting new restrooms for around $776K* and the Pavilion gets $285K to put up a new exhibit in the Money Pit called the Science Center.

*I find it interesting the bathrooms are getting remodeled at the CC, because that was done before the EC was built . . . twice! (because some mucky-muck didn’t like the tile). Third times a charm I guess. Maybe when the Dudley House runs out of space, they can bunk the homeless in the CC’s restrooms?

There is also a mysterious joint powers agreement with the finance department and Minnesota (I’m looking into this one).


This JPA would allow the City procurement team to piggyback bids for equipment (Wheel Loaders, backhoes, Asphalt Oil Applicators, etc. ) from local dealers in Sioux Falls (RDO Equipment and Sheehan Equipment). Many Cities, Counties and School Districts in South Dakota use these bids/contracts to purchase some of their equipment because the contracts have already been competed and meet the intent of 5-18A.

Since 2010 the City of Sioux Falls has only utilized these MN contracts once. This agreement is would give the procurement team an option to purchase equipment from these contracts if we found it to be a good a price. The purchases, if any, would only be from the local dealers in the Sioux Falls area.

Item#10, Resolution, Budget Adoption for CIP, 2018-2022

Item#20, Second Reading, more fees for licensing alcohol distribution (Fiddle-Faddle says we need to be inline with state law)

Item#32, Resolution, Appointment of volunteer board members. I know TWO of the appointees and am very happy they are going to serve. Good Luck!

Item#33, Resolution, Joint Powers agreement between the SFPD and SD AG’s office. This will be an interesting one to listen hear about. It is about drug enforcement. I guess I already would have assumed that they work together? Who knows what Jackboots cooked up this time.

Looks like the council gets an easy night.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “UPDATED: Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, August 15, 2017”
  1. I’m sure the state worries about the city excepting itself from state law. They realize Strong Mayor Charter defines the city as a sovereign nation. There’s major profit from drug stops where the city (not the state) can auction a seized vehicle. The Patriot Act and new drug laws has turned government into a car theft ring. In Nebraska, if you don’t have drugs, they plant some. Make sure there’s more owed on your car than it’s worth.

  2. what is wrong with the restrooms at the cc? are they putting in bidets to wash the private parts of the elite, or are they being made safer to “protect our kids”?

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