The special NOON meeting of the parks board was held today (see below). It seems the contractor that won the bid, underbid the current contractor to win the bid, than intends to hire them back as the subcontractor. The problem is that the current contractor was unaware of such a deal and planned on turning in the towel if they lost the bid. The city also offered ‘salvage’ pricing for all of the equipment the current contractor owns, which isn’t sitting well either.

This is getting really messy, really quick. The city should just lease the property to a private golf company, and get out of the golfing business. (Full Meeting)

By l3wis

14 thoughts on “UPDATE: Golf Contract becoming a real mess”
  1. To prove the city of Sioux Falls could create these board meeting videos, I did this livestream video with my cellphone on a bad internet connection.

    If you like these videos, give us a shout out and help us because we can’t be everywhere.

    BTW, why does the city of Sioux Falls have such lousy guest internet connectivity?

  2. As expected, some pretty “interesting” a.k.a. shady things here. Underbid Dakota Golf, and then hire them back as a sub? That’s the strategy that won?

  3. I’m confused why the city is responsible for providing the tools that Landscapes Unlimited needs to manage the courses? Is this a common arrangement?

  4. What do you expect? This is the city that tickets you for not cutting your grass but they don’t cut theirs.

  5. DakotaGolf needs to 100% pull a power play and say NO to any equipment “deal” with Landscapes Unlimited and counteroffer with above market pricing for anything they would “sell” to Landscapes.

    Great quote from Jansa in the Argus article:
    “It’s not just pieces of equipment,” Jansa said. “We own the tools, the supplies, the lifts, the hydraulic jacks, the office equipment. its pretty much bare walls if they want to go somewhere else.”

  6. After watching this, it is really hard to believe this will be just business as usual between the two players.

  7. Wait. What? Somebody bid less than another person on a RFP? Noooooooo. All bids should be exactly the ssme

  8. I am bummed that Great Life didn’t get the contract. I had high hopes with them, that we would all earn a free Whopper meal with every ten punches on our Park Department “Go Card.”

  9. Mr. Muban – the lowball/salvage value offer to Mr. Jansa for all the assets that Dakota Golf owns was not part of the RFP from Landscapes Unlimited. For some reason, the city is negotiating with Jansa/Dakota Golf to purchase some or all of the assets Dakota Golf owns (this is pretty clear if you watch the video, btw).

    The thing most people are wondering is why the city is even involved in this negotiation or why are they purchasing the assets? Shouldn’t that be between Dakota Golf and Landscapes Unlimited?

    This whole business of LU claiming there is no partnership, but yet part of their winning RFP/strategy hinges on retaining Dakota Golf personnel is odd. And they keep repeating in the video that there was no deal made and no partnership stated in the RFP.

    I don’t doubt LU’s ability to do a good job running the courses, which is evidenced if you look at their work and portfolio. However, I think most people are just really dissatisfied with this process and how unclear it truly is.

  10. one could argue the process is purposely unclear to allow wiggle room to declare “success” at a later time. or one could argue the kearney is an unqualified buffoon.
    either way this deal looks very sloppy.

  11. “one could argue the process is purposely unclear to allow wiggle room to declare “success” at a later time.”

    You mean like telling people we got a ‘Million Dollar Settlement’ until the SDSC clarified it.

  12. The plot thickens. This e-mail was sent out today from Dakota Golf:

    Dakota Golf Passholders,

    First of all, on behalf of Dakota Golf Management, we would like to thank you for your support over the past 23 years. We could not have been as successful as we were without the support of our loyal customers.

    We would like to give an update on the new golf course management contract as it pertains to Dakota Golf. While initially accepting of the City’s decision, Dakota Golf is no longer supporting the selection. Please join us at the Prairie Green clubhouse tonight, Monday, December 18 from 5-7 to discuss the golf course management contract that will be voted on by the City Council tomorrow night.

    We hope that you will spread the word and get your golfing friends to come to Prairie Green tonight and, more importantly, to come to the City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 19 at 7 PM at the City Council chambers on 10th and Dakota.

    Thank you for your support over these many years and we hope to see you tonight at Prairie Green.

    Tom and Dakota Golf Staff

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