I watched the school board meeting tonight, they said they mailed out a postcard to Sioux Falls school district residents;

These surveys were mailed out last week to everyone in the Sioux Falls School District.

Weird? Right? I am a registered voter in the District that rarely has missed a School District election in the past 5 years. Where was my postcard? Would love to see who this was mailed to? I didn’t get one, yet I get a Community Education catalog.

That aside, you can take the survey HERE. You will recognize as I did, it’s more of a push poll than a real survey.

This part of the Envision Task Force report is a little murky about this to;

For example, for a home costing $185,000, the owners would pay 2 dollars more a month for the next 25 years.

But how much of that is compounded each year? Nobody has addressed this yet.

They also want to do a stand alone election in September because they must certify their 2019 budget by September 30th according to state law. Will they use ALL of the precincts or pick and choose super precincts?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Just who did the School District send postcards to?”
  1. Oh, they will definitely use “Super Precincts.” I would be shocked if they didn’t. If this proposal passes, it can only be done through manipulative “SPs.”

    But I did receive the post card, however……

  2. What’s really interesting is I live in a community north of Sioux Falls and I did get the post card!! Thought the new schools were only for the city limits!!

  3. Even – if you live in Renner, that is part of the SF school district, I believe. I’m sure someone here will correct me if I’m wrong.

  4. SF boundaries do not correlate with SF school boundaries. Just because some might live outside the SF city boundary does not mean some are not paying school taxes. Here is a map that shows school boundaries.


    Here is a map that shows the overall school boundary. As you can see, it extends well north of Renner.


  5. I agree; the survey is a definite “push poll.” Its biggest failing is the lack of an “undecided” option for the key questions. This not only pushes people to answer “yes” to the “Should we do it if it’s right?” questions (that’s the formulation of some of the questions!), it also gives inaccurately positive poll results to those supporting the bond issue.

    If I were involved in the potential independent group supporting the bond issue, I’d be sure to pay for a neutral, scientific poll rather than rely on the school district’s poll.

    BTW, I posted a copy of the postcard on Facebook, noting that the card lacked a bold call to action and the print on it was so small as to almost require a magnifying glass to read. The card was addressed to “Resident”, so I assumed all households, regardless of voting history, received the card. I almost overlooked the card in my Saturday mail – the card was small, used glossy paper, and had no easily identifiable message.

  6. The argus published another story this morning about the bond issue. It is still being billed as just a $2 a month investment for the life of the loan. WTF

  7. I live in Sioux Falls. Had 1 child in the school system lasy year. I did not get a postcard.

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