Screenshot KELO-TV

Bob has said that his poll workers are elderly, but isn’t he in charge of training them?

“A lot of my election workers, they’re retired, they’re getting older, they don’t always make the right choice out there. There’s human error. I loathe to throw them under the bus, because it’s difficult to get them,” Litz said.

He also didn’t seem to concerned that election results may have been altered because of the mistakes;

Bender: “I just want to see if you can give me some comfort, if you feel like the error did not affect that race.”
Litz: “That one there is troublesome. I don’t know what to tell you. Like you said, the margin of error was five votes. It could’ve been affected, yes.”

He than tries to blame partisan politics. Wasn’t it just REPUBLICANS on the ballot?

“At the end of the day, I’m sitting here holding a bag. You, you, are up here playing a political ploy. Okay, I’m republican, you’re democrat. I get that. That’s the way the game is played. Don’t act like you’re not playing that game, Mr. Barth,” Litz said.

We have already had a volunteer election committee that pointed out the issues with the Auditors office and the SOS office, yet the problems still exist.

By l3wis

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