Theresa is putting an abbreviated version of the Stehly Report in the Sioux Falls Shopping News this week. Check it out!

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Fall 2018 Stehly Report to be featured in SF Shopping News”
  1. Thanks for posting this Scott! In this report we will talk about some important details in the $190 million school bond vote and several City Council /community issues. Page Five in the Shopping News. Finding ways to connect the community to the information.

  2. Every Tuesday, my Shopping News paper boy commits a federal offense by hooking my SN to my mailbox.


  3. Sure, but does anyone actually read them? It’s easy to have a large circulation when it’s a free newspaper. No one ever asks to get it delivered to their house. Ours always ends up in the trash.

  4. Actual readership probably follows the web traffic to a certain extent. Website views the last 6 months —

    Argus: 733k
    Shopping News: Not enough data to report

  5. First off, the AL is a daily NEWS paper. The SN is a weekly SHOPPER. The AL’s traffic is probably higher, but not because their daily is pushing traffic. Most stories go online 2-3 days before they even print in the paper. Most people who read the Shopper read it for it’s content and to grab grocery flyers not to be driven to the website.

  6. I think you are right that many folks grab the shopper for the coupons, and read the classified’s. I can’t agree that a significant number of folks read the content.

  7. Stehly paid for this out of her own pocket, that is quite a commitment to healthy civics.

    You may disagree with her policy preferences, but you have to admit that Theresea Stehly is a class-act!

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