UPDATE: I guess the developer involved with this project has been telling people he is getting a substantial settlement. Which is odd considering he screwed this up, if anything he owes us. Either way, where will this rumored settlement come from? And will it be made public? By state law legal settlements must be public, but they could play a different game and call it something else. My suggestion is to send him a $10 gift card to Walmart and call it good, which is $9.99 to much.

Last I heard several months ago, we were in a legal pissing match with the developer who still thought they had a chance to do the (scaled back) project. Where are we with it now? No news is good news.

Some of my peeps in the media and city hall have been saying the mice have been on the wheel over the past couple of weeks . . . but don’t expect an announcement anytime soon. WTF is that supposed to mean?

Maybe on Christmas Eve Mayor Poops will announce that he is gifting the hunk of grey matter to a DeveLloydper and washing the city’s hands of it. Or maybe he will turn it into a tent city so the homeless have a place to drink and do their laundry besides the Dudley House parking lot. Or better yet, he may say it will be a part of the secret settlement of Event Center Siding, Windows on the Midco and the Administration Building’s HVAC?

Who doesn’t like a package deal?

So many underground deals and only a few weeks before 2022 to complete them. Where does Poops and his crack team of lawyers find the time? I take it back, he really deserves a 30% raise 🙁 He better hurry though before the city council fires them all.

5 Thoughts on “Update: What’s Going on with the Downtown Sioux Falls Bunker Ramp Fiasco?

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on December 15, 2021 at 9:33 pm said:

    I still think the south side of the Bunker Ramp could be marketed as a part of the former Berlin Wall with a tribute plaque to Reagan. #HowNice #MrGorbachev

  2. D@ily Spin on December 15, 2021 at 11:39 pm said:

    It should remain as a symbol for City of Sioux Falls ignorance. Show it to visitors with the sculpture walk, arc of Sadam, and Jesus plow idol but call it the Monument of Shame.

  3. The Guy From Guernsey on December 19, 2021 at 12:47 pm said:

    The Berlin Wall theme might work well for mayoral candidates.
    In front of the Concrete Commemoration to Corrupt Practices (C.C.C.P.) in DTSF, David Z. could offer reprisal of the Reagan speech.

    “Mr. TenHaken, raise up these walls.”

  4. anominous on December 19, 2021 at 1:35 pm said:

    can it be trucked up to Prairie Village

  5. The Guy From Guernsey on December 19, 2021 at 2:30 pm said:

    Or perhaps mayoral candidates could extend the Berlin Wall theme to a speech at the figurative Taupeville Wall (the northwest corner of Western and 57th?) and set in the manner of JFK’s Berlin Wall speech.

    ‘Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum [“I am a Roman citizen”].
    Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is “Ich bin ein Taupevillain.” (“I am a Taupevillain”).
    All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Taupeville, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words “Ich bin ein Taupevillain!” ‘
    ‘ “Lasst sie nach Taupeville kommen” (“Let them come to Taupeville).” ‘

    David Z. as JFK! Would he do anything as mainsream as JFK?

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