I originally requested this settlement in the middle of July and it wasn’t finalized until the end of that month. I received the settlement yesterday after I re-requested it from the city attorney’s office; ENTIRE DOCUMENT

As you can see below the city will receive a settlement even though all parties involved have agreed to ‘no fault’.

Geothermal systems work when they are installed properly and can save the users a lot of money in energy costs. What is NOT in this settlement is the cost to install a whole new traditional chiller system, the massive amount of water that was lost when it malfunctioned and the energy costs the city will now have to incur due to the more traditional HVAC system and our legal fees (which probably equals half of the settlement).

They got off easy. Too easy.

What is even more troubling is that an assistant city clerk and the chief of staff signed off the settlement. More sloppy legal documents. Tom and Paul must have been too busy enjoying Father’s Day in a remote location to sign off on the agreement. Was it gay pride weekend?

It would be nice to know the true price tag this screwup cost taxpayers. We may never know. It is also interesting to see that KHA is once again involved with a settlement for bad consulting (Events Center siding debacle).

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls to receive $320K for failed geothermal system on the administration building”
  1. “Tom and Paul must have been too busy enjoying Father’s Day in a remote location to sign off on the agreement. Was it gay pride weekend?”

    I darn near spit my water out on my computer screen. L O L

  2. The city should have more work go open bid and have a public record process when they select the architects or engineers for design work. Instead, they hand this major work to “connections”, and we get screwed as taxpayers. We get bridges severely over budget, we get whacky street and roundabout designs, we get buildings with major non-functioning design flaws, like this, and everyone still makes a lot of money (off the taxpayers). How about select these firms on qualifications, as opposed to some sort of connection which exists inside the government. For all we know as taxpayers, these firms buy their work by donating to campaigns or similar.

  3. Because of the insider connections we also get engineers who create faux structural reports that are based on whimsy.

  4. I’ve been wondering about the outcome of this debacle. Kudos once again to L3wis for closing the loop on this thing for us.

  5. “That’s it, the Chinese plan to drop that balloon on Yellowstone NP to turn it into a failed geothermal system”….

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