UPDATE: 1. Bundle up and come to the Earth Day rally tomorrow (Sat). Meet at 3:30pm at Fawick Park (Statue of David) for a walk to the city hall at 9th & Dakota.
The group will be asking the mayor to restore the Dec.’22 consensus Sustainability Plan and also to do the following:
2. Whether you go to the rally or not, ask Mayor TenHaken to accept the $1 million EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant that is on the table. It’s a planning grant available to our city and Rapid City because the governor did not accept the $3 million offered for the state. The Rapid City mayor already accepted their $1 million. The deadline for Mayor TenHaken to say Yes is next week, April 28.
Please contact him: Mayor@siouxfalls.org, 224 W 9th St, 57104, 605-367-8800
Meet at Fawick Park (Statue of David) & walk together to City Hall (9th & Dakota) for speakers.
On Earth Day, we’ll be walking together from Fawick Park to City Hall to show our support for a strong, community-driven Sustainable Sioux Falls Plan.
Join us as we call upon Mayor TenHaken and the City Council to commit to real, meaningful action for a sustainable future. Sioux Falls needs a sustainability plan that reflects community voices and meets the moment to tackle climate change and other environmental challenges.
Wear green, bring a friend, and come make your voice heard for a sustainable Sioux Falls! All ages welcome!
Co-sponsored by Change Agents of SD, Citizens’ Climate Lobby Sioux Falls, Common Grounds Indivisible SD, Dakota Rural Action, Ironfox Farms, LEAD South Dakota, Sioux Falls League of Women Voters, The Mindfill SD, SoDak Compost, and SoDak 350.
Question is: Will the mayor come out from the city mausoleum to acknowledge the event?
I would love to go to this, but I have an oil change scheduled then for my muscle car. #69GTOJudgeBaby!
will there be a place to recycle my pumpkin?
You want some sustainability around here?…. Then get the local developers to start building more middle class homes around here with basements instead of the Soviet style housing (apartments) that they are trying to shove all of us into.
AND, if people are so upset with the Mayor and his sustainability actions, or lack there of, then why weren’t more working to unseat him in the last election? We all knew this would eventually happen after his waffling on a mask mandate.
Oh, and will Mayor Z be there, too? I hope so. I always love the way he stands out in a crowd.
Wear some green? But mine is still at the cleaners getting the St. Paddy’s Day puck out of it. What about some red? Or, would that be too Trump Taupe-ish of me?
St. Paddy’s Day in Sioux Falls: That’s just merely a way to amuse the masses into thinking they matter and are important. It’s like an Eastern bloc country’s masses celebrating its gold medals in the streets.
Protests are important, however. The Mayor is wrong, but 73% (Or, is that 85%) will sit at home and watch Nascar, or eat a burger and fries at a local sports bar wondering if they should get the oil changed in their Dodge Challenger next week.
Sioux Falls is not the answer, but rather Sioux Falls is the problem. Just how much carbon has been released into the air around here because of all of our new local development?…. So, then maybe “conveniently” compacted apartments are the answer instead of individual houses… So, once again the elitists win…. Although, they claim to be the caring leaders of the people who are actually the unwitting proletariats.
“Say, am I the only one who’s worried about The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt?”….. “AND, speaking of muscle cars, whatever happened to David Koresh’s ’68 Camaro?”….:
We do not need to adopt this version of the Sustainability Plan, if any of you have read it, you would know why. But I suspect none of you have faithfully read it, but want to attack the mayor for choosing a different route. “READ IT” before you criticize the mayor for once in your life. There are other things built into this plan that are NOT good for Sioux Falls, let alone the “State” itself. Just as I said during last weeks council meeting, where some lady attacked the mayor claiming his legacy is ruined cause he failed to support in full this plan, I defended the mayor and said he made the right choice not only for the city, but on behalf of the “Statewide” policies of the people, and as we discuss positive laws for the State, he made the right choice to encourage further discussion on the matter, allowing people to engage within their community parts of the plan, without implenting the plan in full. HE encouraged TRANSPARENCY, not forcing people to do anything at all. IF we are in the busienss of giving our mayor a legacy, it would be one of which the current Mayor “Listens, Adapts, and Learns” while on the job, thanks to the fact he allows for the citizens to discuss topics, providing him a greater over all opinion of the city.
“We do not need to adopt this version….”
So, then Mike agrees that climate change is happening, right? But in his mind is it man-made or just cyclical?
( and Woodstock adds: “Don’t forget, Sarah Palin said it was just God holding us closer”…. 🙂 )
how did the rally go
mike the mayor puts up with you because Kristi Noem told him he has to, along with rest of your know-nothing’s in P.R.E.
“i like old dutch ripple chips”–pth