They have extended the application deadline until Friday. It is kind of surprising because you would think there would be students jumping at the opportunity.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Is the mayor’s youth council having trouble getting participants?”
  1. Kids in Taupeville do not want to do this. After they get their business degrees “Someday” and become junior members of a development corporation, however, then they will take an interest in city government.

  2. So, Mike, it’s partially true then, which would mean that the youth council is only partially filled, right? Which would then make it right, right?

  3. Mike, I wish I had your energy. As busy as you are selling cars and running a well respected website, how do you find the time to know everything about everything?

  4. “Private, public, and home-educated students are encouraged to apply to have your voice heard in local government and develop your leadership skills.”

    Duh, isn’t this what we already have Patriot Ripple Effect for?

  5. “I once had a dentist complete the fill of my tooth with a partial”…..

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