I get it, the project is called the ‘Sioux Steel District’ so you want to name certain things in the complex that way;

The Sioux Falls concepts will be new ones for the company, beginning with Big Sioux Burger

They also have a place called ‘Brioux Falls’ but it is not a tap room it is a coffee house. Weird.

But I am not sure I would name my burger joint after one of the most polluted waterways in the state.

On top of that, just because it is the Sioux Steel District doesn’t mean you have to name everything ‘Sioux’. That, and anytime you are using a culturally sensitive term, you need to fully vet it.

So besides the big ugly rectangular buildings ruining the view at Falls Park we also have a half-ass focus group naming everything.

I heard their is going to be a speak easy in the basement called ‘Custer’s Last Stand’ ๐Ÿ™

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Restaurant to be named after polluted waterway”
  1. “‘Custer’s Last Stand’?”…. “Say, that’s what Johnny Carson called the commissary at NBC studios in Burbank back in the day”….. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. You know, Dakota Casket used to be on that premise as well back in the day. So, what about a kiddie place that sells cotton candy except they’ll call it Coffin Candy. Or, a place that specializes in take home Casket Casseroles?…. And you watch, the Big Sioux Burger will have a big hole in the middle of it just like White Castle…. “No wonder it’s so big!”…..

  3. They should name something there after Seney Island. It would only be fair. How about Seney’s Bar & Grill that locals call “Seedy” or “Seedy’s”…..

    Else, maybe a dentist or orthodontist should be located there next to the $20 million bridge.

  4. look we need a city manager form of local government and what is the new city communications project manager job we need to know, pal thank you

  5. I can’t wait until the Big Sioux Burger takes on the local downtown Burger Battle. It will be phenomenal. Cooked in the backdrop of Smithfield’s odor, the Big Sioux Burger will have you consumed in the bite of your life as its special sauce drips from your lips as you decide whether to swallow or spit it out. It will be the perfect burger for date night and things to cum….. With a burger like that, you won’t be asked if you want fries with that, but rather, if it will be coffee, tea, or me….. The Big Sioux Burger: Siouxland has never had it so good…. Won’t you cum join us?

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