The police have been patrolling the bike trails to check speeds and E-Bike classifications. Only E1s and E2s are allowed. E3s and any other electric mobility devices that are not for ADA use are NOT allowed.
Make sure your E-Bike classification sticker is visible for police if they stop you. If you don’t have a sticker the police WILL look up your bike online to see the classification.
They are also checking speeds! Which is great! Remember the speed is 15 MPH. I have settings on my bike so I set it at 13 MPH, I recommend everyone else does the same. Always use extreme caution when passing others.
We have to exhibit to the council over the next year that as citizens we can handle the responsibility of riding an electric bike on the rec trail. If you want to horse around or haul ass, take it to the streets!
Good! Because, where is all of the signage that Parks promised us that was supposed to be on the bike trail before June 1st and the then legalizing of Class 2s on the trail? I’m not seeing it. In fact, I’m not seeing anything that wasn’t there already last fall just after the Active Transporation Board and the Parks Board had both initially voted to not allow Class 2s on the trail. #YouNeverPassAnE-bike
I agree! Where’s the signs! I want this rollout to be safe and successful
How does that director still have his job serious question
Tenhaken likes races and racing like Ironman but doesn’t like street racing or fast bicycles. Got it
if you can ride an e-bike on the bike trails, why not one of those 49cc scooters that doesn’t need to be licensed?
How about you pedal your fat ass around and use that as your speed limiter?
Fat ass is past tense, ironically lost all the weight riding an e-bike. Maybe you could start a go fund me page so you can afford one 🙂