Krebs wants moped riders to pay up.

This isn’t gonna sit well with Republicans, stimulus money for things we actually need  done in SD instead of tourism contracts and airplane fleets;

  • $183 million in highway funding that also could include rail infrastructure activities.  


  • $103.7 million to school districts and public colleges and universities for, among other things, job training in new and expanding fields, and meeting key education performance measures.  
  • And $39.2 million for clean water and drinking water infrastructure needs.
  • An openness bill – Yeah! Sponsored by Knudson – nevermind, this one is going nowhere;

    Sen. Dave Knudson, R-Sioux Falls, will get a chance to explain his presumption of openness measure when the Senate State Affairs Committee holds a public hearing on SB147 on Wednesday morning in the Capitol.

    Shantel now wants to charge people for being energy efficient and thrifty. What’s next Krebs? A bicycle wheel tax?

    Rep. Shantel Krebs, R-Sioux Falls, the primary sponsor of the bill, points to safety as a major concern prompting the legislation.

    How is giving the state $15 to register my moped going to make me safer? More like lining the pockets of insurance companies. Dumb.

    Some letter writers are not to happy about Heidepreim and Abdallah’s casino legislation;

    The minority leader in the South Dakota state Senate, Scott Heidepriem, introduced a bill that he says will deter Lyon County, Iowa, from building a resort/casino. In the meantime, Lyon County towns are losing Main Street businesses because they can’t compete with the malls in Sioux Falls. Now with a chance to add 400 jobs, some third-rate politician from South Dakota wants to try to stop it.

    Here’s some more

    And in our last segment of legislative stupidity and dirty rotten lobbying, the Chamber of Commerce comes out against unions – Holy mackeral! That’s surprising!

    It is true that unions played a pivotal role in addressing abuses of the industrial age more than 100 years ago. But their rigid approach to work and their tendencies to overload businesses with rules and procedures that hurt a business’ ability to compete against global competition are not supported by many young workers.

    Yes, David, because worker protections are soooooooooo overated, kind of like your organization. No surprise, this same group endorsed a retail tax increase in our city and the US Chamber of Commerce is the largest lobbyist in the country.

    By l3wis

    9 thoughts on “Stimulate your moped thru opening a casino”
    1. Unions have their place, but I know of one local employer who was screwed out of a lot of money by the national union because they were pissed that his union guys wanted to de-unionize. They used every old-fashioned sleezy union trick in the book to try and keep those guys in the union, and when they lost, they sicked a buch of lawyers on the owners.
      Unions are effective in large businesses, but a total failure and waste of resources in smaller ones.

    2. Syverson’s? Heard they bought out the Tilemakers Union here in SF.

      I agree, Unions have there place in certain businesses, I think most of them are highly ineffective. Just take the city union for instance. They only negoiated a 3% cost of living increase while Non-Union management was getting 9% raises and merit pay. Funny.

    3. On a separate note, someone told me last night that Jodi Schwan’s office at city hall is decorated like a brothel – wonder if a Union employee helped her do it?

    4. They had to buy out their pension at great expense. It really sucked for them, but their guys voted on the issue.

    5. It was enough that it hurt. And that kind of attitude is exactly what the sleezy union guys gave him and all the guys who work for him.
      Tax breaks are great, but they very rarely add a lot of cash to your pocket.

    6. They “justify” registering your moped so they have “database” to help them find your moped when / if it’s stolen. But lets get real – officer friendly has a lot more to do than look for missing mopeds. The real reason they want registration is to have a data base to ensure the bureau of revenue collects sales or use taxes on mopeds, canoes, and other small econ-friendly items that may evade taxing. After all the bureau of revenue’s motto is, “no revenue is too small to exploit”.

    7. “no revenue is too small to exploit”

      That’s why the poor have to pay taxes on a $.49 can of generic peas.

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