By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Blues Bashers to open DT Eastbank Block party Friday night – 5 PM”
  1. You’ll be there l3wis? You’ll be the guy with the two aussie chicks…right?

  2. hossenpheffer:

    “Josie and Haighly left Scott for bigger and better New York fish.”

    Friggin’ lesbians…..oh wait, I guess that would make them that much hotter.

  3. when they stayed at my house we did not have a threesome, but they may have had an orgy in my basement as the camped out with 2 bands.

  4. I’m not worried, the place was cleaner when they left then it was when they arrived.
    The only other band or musician who left the place smelling better was butch walker and the marvelous 3.

  5. Hey, where were all you jackasses last night? The only S. Dacola foot soldier I saw was the cooked rabbit.

  6. Yeah, Warren bought Hos and I a beer, why couldn’t you come and say HI. Warren wanted to give you shit about sports and was dissapointed you did not show. What, You to good to say hi to us now that you have procreated. 🙂

  7. We were having dinner at Sanaa’s. Did you all up and leave after the bashers played?

  8. I was close, but no cigar. Was hangin’ out over at Monks until 5:30pm.

    Couldn’t line up a sitter to turn a few afternoon brews into a night out as the wife had some plans.

    Let me know if you need an undisclosed location for the next SDColaFest, got an ideal spot, but we’d probably need a full 24 hours to do it right.

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