Rachel, Dick Armey, Tom Daschle and Tom Coburn are on a roundtable on Meet the Press right now. Rachel slams Dick (in his mouth) Armey and he is speechless when she connects his group ‘Freedom Works’ to the Teabagger coalition that posts videos of violence on their website encouraging it. Daschle just quoted Jon Stewart by saying insurance companies are like the lottery, “Send in your forms and hope you are covered.” Classic. This is one of the best episodes yet, and we have another 30 minutes.

4 Thoughts on “Why I heart Rachel Maddow

  1. Gotta love the Rachel! She gave that idiot Armey a run for his money. Thank God she was there! Be sure you catch the “Take 2” online – she’s very funny!
    Nice post-will be back!

  2. Rachel was great, she knows more then Armey and Coburn could ever hope to have in their pea brains. Rachel and Daschle tag teamed really well. And at the end I am not sure where Armey’s brain went, he made absolutely no sense at all.

  3. Ghost of Dude on August 17, 2009 at 6:44 am said:

    If I had a Dick Army, we wouldn’t need a bunch of teabaggers.

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