Thursday, October 28 · 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Ramkota Hotel, Sioux Falls – Jefferson Room

Retired Lieutenant Police Officer Tony Ryan and Chiropractor Allen Unruh will debate whether or not voters should pass Measure 13!

Each side will present a speech and then open a Q&A with the crowd.

I think our local TV stations have done a decent job in covering M13, but will the Gargoyle Leader cover it? They have already declined to do a Q & A / Forum with supporters and opponents of M13. What gives? No surprise though, it’s the normal pussy-footing around with them. They are more concerned that Steffy is handing out bowls of chili.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “The final M13 debate is going to be a good one. But will our local newspaper cover it?”
  1. Probably not. You may have to show up. I think it is funny how the AL is dismissing M13. It will probably pass, then it will be news. If it does pass and the AL calls the Yes on M13 campaign, I would tell them ‘No comment’. If they choose to ignore the Measure, then the Measure should ignore them.

  2. I’m going to try and make it. If I do, I’ll be taping it. I’ll try and get it up as quickly as possible.

    Maybe Nesiba can come and heckle Unruh a little bit. The Argus will be sure to cover it then, they just won’t write anything about the actual debate.

  3. Would like to show up, have company and a significant b’day to celebrate and the b’day person isn’t going to want to go to a debate. Hoping that a tape surfaces, it’d be fun to watch this one.

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