Just a few days after his impressive win for the at-large seat in the Sioux Falls City Council, Kermit Staggers returned to the Rant-a-Bit studio to discuss various local issues. Besides congratulating him on his victory, Scott and Scott peppered Staggers with questions about city finances, the Event Center, his relationship with Mayor Mike Huether, and other pressing topics.

Downloading this episode is different than past shows, however, thanks to Mevio’s decision to no longer host audio shows. The easiest way to listen to the show? Download Hudson’s iPhone/Android app The Ledge and you can access not only all of the Rant a Bit episodes but also his music and Big Brother podcasts. Subscribing to the show in iTunes will take a little work, however, as the original Rant a Bit podcast is a dead link.


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Rant-A-Bit Episode #12; Guest Councilor elect Kermit Staggers”
  1. That was a great episode. One tip though…let the guest go first when you ask the questions. If you listen back to the episode you guys ask questions then answer them before Staggers. I really do dig your opinions and the way you present them..the show was a BLAST to listen to, but the guest should get to go first.

    Did you offer him a beer? And yes, you owe me one.

  2. Ha, we joked about that before we started recording. Kermit drank an ice water out of a Rolling Stones glass. I had a couple of Mickeys. Kermit doesn’t drink alcohol.

    You are right, let him answer first. But we have never claimed to be journalists, just rabble-rousers with an opinion.

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