Here we go again, wanting to hire a risk management company that keeps all the contractors secret and skirts responsibility. Yeah! (Item #38)


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “I hope we don’t need any metal siding on the new Indoor Pool”
  1. It will open with more repairs needed than the present outdoor pool. It can be repurposed as a city aquarium. Hopefully, the next mayor will build new outdoor pools because (with one less pool) kids wait hours to get in.

  2. Do they even know the risk passing will increase this project by 20 to 25 percent. The city had enough project managers and engineers to take on this project without hiring an eng firm to take advantage of us

  3. Hey, let’s hire Mortenson again so they can oversee the installation of the exterior siding on the new aquatics center!

  4. Great idea scott #4. It’ll be popular on summer days and the cost will be a hundred million. It’ll be closer to the city leaders goal of bankruptcy.

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