
Not only did Michelle throw away her populist hat, she spit on, stomped on it, then burned it;

Councilor Michelle Erpenbach, who along with colleagues Rex Rolfing and Rick Kiley has been steadfast in her support for the new administration building, said Monday she wouldn’t do anything to help Stop the Funding force a special election — whether it’s being the sixth councilor needed to endorse the special meetings or to override another potential veto of the mayor if the council votes to delay or repeal the project funding again.

“I’m not changing my stance – I want the bonds sold in October,” she said. “Your lack of preparedness doesn’t create an emergency on my part. I’m not going to approve a special meeting.”

I guess we won’t have to worry about saying Mayor Erpenbach in 2018.

With thousands of signatures gathered in a matter of days, Danielson said there’s no denying a significant chunk of the city either doesn’t want the new building or at least wants a vote on it. To deny the public that opportunity would be a disservice to the democratic process that could have effects beyond the administration building project, he said.

“It’s going to be their problem if any of them want to run for office in Sioux Falls again because there is so much anger in the community right now about this whole process,” he said. “They’re totally ignoring our concerns. They’re absolutely tone deaf to the citizens.”

Well when you never answer your phone, you don’t have to worry about losing your hearing from yelling constituents. I think the rest of the council should suspend Michelle’s phone stipend, she doesn’t use it anyway.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor Erpenbach oblivious to the concept of a democracy”
  1. I can’t see how Erpenbach got elected. It was a time when poll places were hidden and votes were mysteriously taken to a private residence overnight to be counted. She has the personality of a box of rocks. On any public topic, her vote and opinion is always what the cult mayor wants. She can be mayor or hold another office when her UFO reaches another planet.

  2. It simply proves how utterly out of touch Erpanslop is with reality and the will of the people. The ones who voted her in. To build this massive structure with all the bells n whistles when the City is crying about tax revenues is an assault to the tax payers. This will never pass a public vote. Just don’t forget who helped push this debacle down your throat come next election

  3. Well, it seems to be Michelle’s “winning” personality is coming out again…..who cares what the citizens want, or to even allow them to vote on it? Not my problem you want an election to give the voters time to educate themselves and THEN cast their vote!
    I find it amazing that the mayor publicly said he had obtained assurances from the three other councilors that they would not change their vote.
    I am most disappointed in Mr. Rolfing’s promise to the mayor. He has been on the council long enough to know what kind of debt the city has incurred during the Mayor’s term. Please consider your vote as you think of the taxpayers of Sioux Falls!

  4. These three councilors, Erpenbach, Rolfing, and Kiley have never been even adequate as councilors. They have simply been rubber stamps.

    And hey, if one is a rubber stamp he or she does not have to deal with the public, research and think through the issues, or use their brain. It’s the easier way forward. For them this is an ego trip.

  5. Why pick on just those 3 councilors?

    They may have been in Huether’s back pocket the entire time but at least they are consistent so you know what to expect from them.

    What about the other councilors who have now given up in the middle of the fight?

    Instead of issuing an ordinance to delay issuing the bonds, are saying “Huether can do what he wants.”

    Politics as usual, only the names have changed.

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