
Stop the Funding has over the amount needed to get the issue on the ballot, but over the weekend will try to collect more for a ‘buffer’ for the verification process. Hopefully the petitions can be turned in on Monday!

And just a reminder, whether you have ONE signature or ONE HUNDRED on petition sheets, they MUST be turned in ASAP. Petition sheets don’t have to be fully filled out (lines) to be notarized, partial sheets also qualify.

Bruce Danielson, (605) 376-8087

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Stop the Funding collects over 6,000 signatures!”
  1. U made it Bruce. An almost impossible task given many registered voters are out of state RV owners. Shows how actual residents oppose Mike. We know he’ll ignore petitions and has the power to overrule a vote. However, let him try and win a future election.

  2. I’m hoping he’ll try and sell bonds. Given the bad media and low bond rating, I doubt a broker will sponsor. However, 25 million would be worth keeping Mike out of government, now and forever. A side benefit is the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse on the council will think before they obey emperor Huether.

  3. What now?

    It sounds like the council isn’t going to help you get the bond sale pushed back.

    There’s no council meeting in time, so there won’t be a public vote.

    You did a great thing to show that the public doesn’t want the money spent, but isn’t it all for nothing?

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