Morning After To-Do List:

1. Take over the Democratic Party and return it to the people. They have failed us miserably.
2. Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn’t let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must “heal the divide” and “come together.” They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off.
3. Any Democratic member of Congress who didn’t wake up this morning ready to fight, resist and obstruct in the way Republicans did against President Obama every day for eight full years must step out of the way and let those of us who know the score lead the way in stopping the meanness and the madness that’s about to begin.
4. Everyone must stop saying they are “stunned” and “shocked”. What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren’t paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Along came a TV star they liked whose plan was to destroy both parties and tell them all “You’re fired!” Trump’s victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. He is both a creature and a creation of the media and the media will never own that.
5. You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: “HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!” The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don’t. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he’s president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we’ll continue to have presidents we didn’t elect and didn’t want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there’s climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don’t want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the “liberal” position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen (see: #1 above).

Let’s try to get this all done by noon today.
— Michael Moore

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Michael Moore offers advice”
  1. Elections have consequences. Hillary did win the popular vote. And she will be the most popular person in prison. That sound you hear is the swamp draining..

  2. Republicans are entrenched. Change to their party but respond resistance by voting Democrat? Probably the only real population representation is ‘Anonymous’. They seem to better represent people by going after terrorists and hacking government corruption. Is this election the root of a pronounced and promising civil disruption?

  3. The first thing we need to do as Democrats is get rid of the “Super Delegate” concept used in the selection of a presidential nominee. Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders would have all won yesterday.

    Did you know that president-elect Trump received fewer votes than Senator John McCain received in 2008?

    As Democrats, we lost the election yesterday because Democrats did not vote because we nominated the establishment’s choice and not the people’s choice. It was not an authentic Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, rather it was a contrived nomination forced upon us by those in the Party establishment along with members of the media elite, who are authentic social liberals, but they are not authentic economic liberals.

    It is time our Party became a full service party once again and addressed and supported both sides of the coin which make for a political party of true value….

  4. First off, I think trump is a despicable human being. That being said, the will of the electoral college will put him in office. I will wait and see how he handles himself on certain issues. If he means what he says about cutting spending, is he willing to defund the dodo bird, f35? Is he willing to go after certain parts of the farm bill. In other words, will he cut from the truly needy in food stamps, or from the not so needy like kristi noem and her racola ranch welfare scam?

    Will his presidency benefit those at the top, or those struggling at the bottom? I drive a bus part time for a senior living facility, and the one truly enjoyable element is helping senior citizens make their day a little more enjoyable. I also see them scratching for pennies to pay for food when I take them grocery shopping. Now, I read in today’s argus there is a possibility trump could cut social security benefits across the board by 13.5% in 2017. This would be a deal breaker and devastating act for millions and millions of Americans. I hope my instincts about trump are wrong, but, I fear not.

  5. It’s amusing to hear South Dakota Democrats talking about getting rid of superdelegates.

    Did you know that our own late Sen. George McGovern headed the committee that led to the establishment of superdelegates? See:

    McGovern’s plan to make all delegates based on public input (after the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago and attendant protests) was blamed for subsequent Democratic defeats, including McGovern’s own Presidential defeat in 1972 and the 1980 Reagan landslide. The solution was to “fix” the delegate selection process to once again allow a portion of delegates to be named rather than selected.

    “A new 70-member commission headed by Governor of North Carolina Jim Hunt was appointed to further refine the Democratic Party’s nomination process, attempting to balance the wishes of rank-and-file Democrats with the collective wisdom of party leaders and to thereby avoid the nomination of insurgent candidates exemplified by the liberal McGovern or the anti-Washington conservative Carter and lessening the potential influence of single-issue politics in the selection process.”

  6. I fine it amusing when one’s opening comments are indicted by the same one’s closing comments.

    It is disingenuous and illogical to indict a given institution, in this case the initial committee which McGovern and Congressman Fraser started within the Democratic Party in 1971, for being at fault for an eventual outcome, in this case the creation of “Super Delegates” within the Democratic Party presidential selection process in 1981, just as it would be wrong to indict the existence of a mere congress just because later that same congressional institution through wrong or poor leadership produced bad legislation down the road.

    Not only is there a contradiction in Michael’s logic when he tries to blame both the committee that McGovern once headed for the problem, but also the assumed solvency by that same committee, I think it is also safe to assume that his logic is merely a whimsical attempt to divide Democrats today against our loyalty and respect for the late Senator George McGovern, especially here in South Dakota.

    But that attempt at division falls short, when you realize that Michael’s logic is the result of the cherry picking of Democratic Party history in the modern day by him and not an assessment of the totality of it, especially since WWII.

    Might I begin by reminding Michael, that the work that Congressman Hunt did 1981, in creating the “Super Delegates” helped to usher in the nomination of the establishment nominee, Walter Mondale, against the wishes of many non establishment Democrats who supported Gary Hart in 1984; an ushering-in which led to the establishment’s candidate, Mondale, losing the presidency to Ronald Reagan in 1984 by a greater electoral college lost than McGovern did in 1972.

    But let us look at the bigger picture, in terms of the history of the Democratic Party in modern times, shall we? Between 1948 and 2016, there have been 18 presidential elections. A Democratic nominee has won eight of those elections. Four of those elections, ’48, ’64, ’96, and 2012 were incumbency wins which for the most part take the “Super Delegate” argument or concern off the table in terms of assessing its credibility or necessity, with two of those actually happening under the presence of the “Super Delegate” reality, ’96, and ’12.

    However, of the remaining four elections that the Democrats won, Kennedy ’60, Carter ’76, Clinton ’92, and Obama ’08, three of them, ’60, ’76, and ’08 were won with a nominee that was not the establishments first choice, while the only election since WWII that the Democratic establishment promoted and got right without the power of the incumbency was ’92, which to a large degree was successfully executed with the help of Bill Clinton’s right flank being protected through the independent candidacy of Ross Perot that year and not because of some sheer brilliance on the part of the Democratic establishment.

    When you look at this history since WW II, you will find that when non establishment Democrats get their way in nominating a candidate for president, that the track record for Democrats is three wins and one loss, but when the establishment gets its way it becomes eight losses, ’52, ’56, ’68, ’84, ’88, ’00, ’04, ’16 and only one win, ’92.

    Some will whimsically try to blame it on McGovern, but when you look at the true facts you will fine that the people of the Democratic Party generally know best in an election year, while the establishment elite have a miserable success rate without the power of the incumbency.

    And I might add, also, that in the four incumbency wins that the Democrats have had over the years, ’48, ’64, ’96, and ’12, that in 1948, the establishment tried to take the nomination away from Truman and had they succeeded no other Democrat they would have nominated instead would have beaten Republican Thomas Dewey that year; and if the Democrats at the 1980 convention had nominated Ted Kennedy instead of Jimmy Carter (non-establishment versus incumbency), we would have faired much better in the fall without the landslide which we unfortunately experienced, which ushered in the beginnings of all of the supply-side and less regulation nonsense, which we have only now begun to clean up under Obama, which is now in jeopardy due to a failed Democratic run for president in 2016, a run which was greatly facilitated by the existence of “Super Delegates.”

  7. While some here believe Trump is a despicable human being, that may be true if you only read what has been written about him in the mainstream press. On the other hand ask some of the people that actually know him. BTW, some of the comments he has made in the past are comments most men have made in the past as well. Don’t judge until you take the log out of your own eye.
    The Democrats only have themselves to blame. While Trump is not the perfect candidate in my eyes–he was about 7th or 8th on my list of Republicans running, he was much better than the person put up by the Democrats. At least he has not committed treason. At least he did not sell out the State department. Hillary Clinton is free only because of who she is.
    The Republican establishment is also to blame for who they nominated. Instead of following Michael Moore’s advice and fighting Obama tooth and nail on everything, they just rolled over and let him have his way. This was even true when he did things that were probably unconstitutional. The Congressional leadership did things like primarying Republicans who did not follow them down the wrong path. There is even a case in New Jersey in which they gave 0 help to a sitting Congressman against a Clinton sidekick who probably broke laws during the campaign. When something like 70% of the rank and file Republicans feel betrayed by their party, the establishment is doing something wrong.
    I have little sympathy for the Democrat party as long as it keeps wanting to take money from me to give it to someone else. I also have little sympathy for the Republican party as long as it lacks a backbone and is determined to be Democrat lite (no, I am not a Republican). What I do hope for is that the Democrat and Republican parties begin to look back to their roots. The Democrat party of the 80’s at least loved their country, unlike today. The Republican party of the 80’s at least was willing to be the home of conservatives. If they do not make changes, they will both be history.

  8. Duggersd,

    As a Democrat I very much love my country, but right now I am very concerned for its future.

    You mentioned treason and Hillary above, but what do you call this?……:

    The reality is that in the past 16 years the GOP have given us the disaster of “Dubya”, the cluelessness of Palin, and now “The Donald.” All of this is the result of an attempt to keep the ownership class in power with a reckless disregard for the maintenance and preservation of what is unfortunately a declining American middle class – a decline caused by trickle-down policies, a lack of regulation in the market and banking industries, and a flippant willingness towards free trade, which I will admit some enabling Democrats are to blame for as well.

    This decline in the American middle class is the number one national security threat to this nation, that is, if one truly values a democratic society with true opportunity for all.

    A reemergence of supply side economics and its trickle- down promises is not what America needs nor will it benefit from it. At least not a vast majority of Americans will benefit from it, but the ownership class might.

    Add the continual decline of the middle class and an emergence of the minority population in this nation versus a new president and his vocal supporters, who are not tolerant of a plural society, and you make the unfortunate cocktail of disaster for this country in the years to come and demonstrate how this reality is the true threat to our country that so many claim to love.

    It is not Isis, it is not Putin, nor illegal aliens which are the true threat to this country, because the enemy is within. The enemy are those who are willing to destroy the fabric of this nation, in order, to protect and enhance their parochial interests and massive wealth….

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