Here is the audio of the arguments today at the SD Supreme Court.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Argus Leader VS. City of Sioux Falls (Secret Siding Settlement)”
  1. Don’t listen. It’s 45 minutes about a comma in the law that poses several interpretations. To me, there’s a legal place to hide and what should have honestly happened. The city has become known for deception and corruption. In this case, they protected the contractor when they should have represented the public. The contract on the EC was awarded before the public vote. Did it matter which way you voted on the indoor pool? Despite the wrong form for the 6400 petition, the city should have reacted to the wishes of the public. We expect good government but get used car salesmen with 10 page contracts awarding them your first born.

  2. The Sioux Falls City Attorney does not operate the office to protect the people. Our poorly written Home Rule Charter states:
    “Section 4.03 Legal officer.
    There shall be a legal officer of the city appointed by the mayor effective with the advice and consent of a majority of the eight members of the council. Notwithstanding Charter Section 2.05(b), the legal officer may be removed by the mayor during the mayor’s four-year term of office only with the consent of a majority of the eight members of the council. The consent of a majority of the council is not required for the expiration of the legal officer’s term of office that occurs upon the mayor’s expiration of term of office. The legal officer shall serve as chief legal advisor to the city council, the mayor and all city departments, offices and agencies, shall perform any other duties prescribed by state law, by this charter or by ordinance, and shall handle or monitor the representation of the city in legal proceedings.
    (4-11-00, § F; 4-8-14, § C)”

    In other words, the city attorney does not protect us or the Charter. The City Attorney is a member of the mayor’s administration with primary responsibility to kiss and wipe the mayor’s butt when there is a problem.

    Our current City Attorney operates as a slippery corporate attorney looking for every loophole to screw everyone but the person who keeps him employed. Forget the legislative meaning and history of the law, if there is a comma, by gawd we better use it. Screw everyone, Mikey needs my loophole.

  3. Daily Spin:
    It is worth listening to. It goes to the laws that govern us and the screw ups when they are written, vaguely.

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