Maybe the city council needs to be asking appointed fire chief Goodroad these questions Tuesday Night during his approval process by the city council.

1. Property loss caused by fire damage has almost tripled in the last three years, what is your plan to reduce/reverse this trend? (Other than focusing on increasing the department’s social media presence?)

Data from the Department’s Annual Reports:

Fire Property  Loss


Not published yet


$  4,500,000


$  3,176,788


$  2,536,859

2.  What was the fire property loss for 2016? (The department has the data, it just hasn’t been published yet). (If he is taking the job seriously, he should have looked at the numbers before going into this meeting).

3.  When you managed the fire department’s training center, you advocated and followed a 4-day work week as much as possible for yourself and your staff. How did that best serve the department’s mission? Do you plan on working that schedule as fire chief?

4.  As of the last published Standards of Coverage manual (2015), the department was not meeting its required response times for re-accreditation  for medical calls, all code 3 & 4 calls, and Hazmat calls (See attachment). What is your plan to ensure the department is reaccredited?

These are just the questions that come up by looking at the Annual Report and Standards of Cover manual for 20 minutes. Imagine what someone who actually had access to the department performing a forensic audit could come up. So why is the Mayor going to put a clone of Sideras in there who might let the union run the show just like Sideras did the entire time he was chief.

Sadly most citizens really don’t care about the fire department. They can live off the goodwill of one big rescue operation for a long time even when realistically they are performing horribly (the numbers don’t lie).

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “New Fire Chief Questions”
  1. Uh, first of all it’s SFFR. You like to come off like you know alot, but quickly reveal otherwise.

  2. Looks like the fire ‘department’ knew you were going to post this and responded to it:

    It made for an interesting read. You also should have looked at budgets and the response times they talked about.

    Fire Station 11 was built at a cost of over $1.7 million and added over $1 million in personnel costs annually but the department’s overall response times got WORSE after it opened.

    The fire truck at station 11 is listed as having gone on 221 calls in 2015. That’s less than 1 call per day. Or 144 days without any calls. It sounds like the stations are being built too soon in the newly developed areas and the core, established areas being ignored. Sound familiar?

    144 work days without fire calls? Sounds like the union is calling the shots to me.

    Do something about the slow response times in the middle of the city, not say your going to build a new station on the edge of town where there’s no calls and say that’s going to fix things. He sounds like REMSA in the article.

  3. It takes time to clear the porn from your browser history before getting on the truck, it slows them down.

  4. After the last Chief, how about a background check? It’s not a hard job. You must live out of town, mandate firemen buy your resort lots, hold office less than a year so you retire with gold benefits, and not be on the sex offenders list.

  5. Congratulations Chief Goodroad! Let’s hope the all-knowing, hyper-critical, quasi-anarchists in our midst at least give you a chance to earn their distrust. Good luck.

  6. HOLD IT…..
    We also have many more structures built each year AND just simple appreciation in structure values will increase these numbers year to year.

    Seriously, will anyone ever be good enough to work for your government?

  7. Oh yeah, LJL… Sioux Falls doubled the number of buildings in 2 years, that explains why the property loss from fire doubled. That and a 3%-5% appreciation in value.

    You clearly figured that one out. *eyes rolling*

  8. Consider the average home is nearly 200K and the city adds a couple thousand of them each year, yes simple math does point out that I figured that out.

    10 additional house fires of 200K houses = 2 million.

    You stick to eye rolling and leave the math to adults.

  9. LJL, just like most of your posts, you think you know what you’re talking about and don’t.

    You clearly didn’t bother reading any of the fire department’s reports on the City’s website for one, and two, do you really think it’s the new houses that are built every year that are burning down? That’s idiotic.

    There haven’t been 10 additional fires every year with the growth of the City. Overall number of fires have been going down. The fire loss number is based on total property loss for all fires and there were 10 LESS fires in 2014 from 2013, and 2 LESS fires in 2015 from 2104, yet the total fire loss went up.

    If you want to only point out ‘house fires’ even though their data is based on all property losses, there were still less house fires. They dropped from 116 in 2013 to 112 in 2015, so you’re still wrong.

    So you’re are right about something, you should leave the math to adults – which isn’t you.

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