UPDATE: Joe Sneve covers everything I knew about it HERE. Rex Rolfing recused himself from a vote on a zoning issue, but a couple days before the bone head emailed his fellow councilors telling them how to vote. It got dismissed because the ethics board said it was an open meetings matter and out of their jurisdiction (go figure). You would think after 7-1/2 years Rolfing would have learned something about procedure and Robert’s Rules. (here is video of the super secret ruling – crank the speakers)

It looks like a confidential complaint, so I am not sure how it will be handled. Not sure what it is, but usually these kind of complaints have to do with a city employee.

5 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Sioux Falls Board of Ethics to meet Friday, Dec 22, 2017

  1. kelo just reported pat starr said it was against a councilor. i’m sure mmm is mad at theresa again.

  2. The D@ily Spin on December 22, 2017 at 12:27 pm said:

    KELO reported 12/22 12:15p that Starr says ethics complaint is against a city councilor.

  3. You are correct. Joe Sneve should have a story up this afternoon on Argusleader.com, I will piggyback off of his with what I know.

  4. Are they allowed to wear hats when they are in a private executive session?


  5. Why did mr loafing recuse himself?

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