Sometimes I just shake my head when people shoot themselves in the foot. Of course, not sure who did the shooting? May have been councilor Neitzert who is also a Lyft driver (according to Belfrage). Greg was proposing an ordinance change but probably can’t now since it would be a conflict.

Apparently city ordinance says Lyft or Uber drivers can’t receive cash tips (they do anyway). But now if ordinance changes they will have to claim on taxes. Now, since it is policy NOT to receive tips, though they probably do, they don’t have to claim those tips.

If I was a Lyft driver I would not have said anything about it. Oh well. More government regulation, less money for the worker bee.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Lyft drivers should have just kept mouths shut about cash tips”
  1. What makes it any different? If I give a Lyft driver a cash tip, who is to know any different?

  2. Because if the ordinance changes the IRS will have a reason to ask what their cash tips were. Trust me, I know all about this GAME after waiting tables for 13 years. The IRS forces servers to claim CASH tips (they use some weird formula on your sales if you don’t get tipped on a CC or have cash sales.) It can be done with drivers, if someone stiffs them on a ride with the app, the IRS can say “did you get a cash tip”.

  3. yeah and why would anyone want to be honest when completing their tax return? tips are part of earned income

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