UPDATE: Watch the video of the meeting today;


Apparently this meeting was posted on Saturday. I guess auditor Litz found a sealed box of uncounted ballots and had to re-count. Not sure how many or what district(s). I’m waiting to hear the details after the meeting.

Monday, June 11, 2018 8:30 a.m.

Pledge of Allegiance


1) Consider Motion to Certify the Results of the June 5, 2018 Primary Election Canvass – Bob Litz


By l3wis

13 thoughts on “UPDATE: Minnehaha County Commission Special meeting this morning”
  1. If the voters won’t do it, then the State’s Attorney needs to use the laws in place to remove Litz from office for Gross Incompetence.

    His level of arrogance and stupidity is staggering.

  2. Would not a rudimentary excercise of duty as a county auditor include accounting for all of the ballots which were distributed to voters ? (e.g. 20,091 Minnehaha County voters signed the voting rolls; we distributed 20,091 ballots; we ran 19,890 ballots through the vote counting machines; what happened to the other 201 ballots ?).

  3. I’m sure it will be the old people’s fault.

    They’ve been working as volunteers forever, it’s always been retirees but now under Litz it the volunteer’s fault.

    Litz should probably pull them out of their cars and threaten to punch them to get them to straighten up and work harder.

  4. Elsewhere, the Rapid City Journal has issued rebuke for the apparent fact that poll workers in Pennington County were not prepared to deal with e-poll book SNAFUs. Most of that condemnation is directed toward Shantel Krebs, as SOS. But the fact that seven other counties encountered similar difficulty and apparently were able to improvise, leaves open to some criticism the Pennington County Auditor for failing to prepare poll workers with contingency options.
    There now seems a lack of confidence in the County Auditor position for two of the most populous counties in the state.

  5. Litz used to frequently throw tantrums when he was on the City Council.

    Thought maybe he had cleaned up his act as County Auditor, that is until he threw a Litz Tantrum at last week’s County Commission meeting.

    During his tirade when he referred to the woman who is running against him in November, he even alluded to quitting.

    Bob, maybe, it’s time to go back to building houses…..

  6. Is the County ever going to post the videos of these meetings? Or is the video guy on vacation?

  7. I understand that Minnehaha County has been spending hundreds of thousands of additional dollars to help Bob supervise the accounting for the County, his primary duty. Now we find out he can’t run an election either. Rather than spend public money to cover for him and allow him to blame his volunteers for his election mistakes, the Republicans on the County Commission would do well to find someone up to the job.

  8. This is what I told someone today; I wouldn’t hire an accountant to build my house, just like I wouldn’t hire a carpenter to do my taxes.

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