Once again, the mayor is interjecting himself on ‘POLICY’ instead of solving the bread and butter issues of Sioux Falls through his staff and public employees, but I like where his heart is;

“The performing and visual arts scenes in Sioux Falls has matured greatly over the past few decades. Multiple organizations and individuals have made incredible contributions and there is an appetite for more,” said TenHaken. “For our arts programming to move forward in a collaborative, unified, and focused direction, I believe now is the time to investigate how the City can more effectively and efficiently interface with community needs as it pertains to arts and culture.” 

As a person who has participated in the Sioux Falls ‘Arts Scene’ for a zillion years, I have always had a simple answer to how you make the arts strive in Sioux Falls; FEED LOCAL ARTISTS!

I made this simple argument for years to the groans of our business elite in Sioux Falls with no avail. A great example was the Arc of Dreams, while a nice shiny thing to stare at when the Vikings lose another playoff game, it really doesn’t have much impact. My vision was to spend that $2 million+ on hundreds of mini art projects throughout the city employing local artists, artisans, contractors and landscape professionals. Let’s face it, you don’t have cupcakes without a baker and you don’t have art without artists. I’m hoping the task force (in which I know and respect many of them) comes out with a vision and plan that employees our local artists in shaping a vibrant art scene. My experience in the past is that members of these special groups often recommend an investment in local arts means an investment in local artists, and than the business elite step in and piss on the parade because they won’t be receiving accolades or profits from such a vision. There are several members on this task force that have the guts to tell it like it is, hopefully this time they won’t back down when the elites tell them no dice.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “I’m excited about the new Sioux Falls Arts Task Force”
  1. Especially for people who love free coffee, generic sub sandwiches and raisin oatmeal cookies.

  2. You know a task force is getting serious, when someone starts to pass around a “Who’s bringing cookies next time” sheet at the middle of the first meeting.

  3. Art deserves focus but getting the city involved takes away creativity. The Arc of Dreams turned out somewhat a success because it was private without a TIF. Art comes from people. The best art from government is a look at their turd before they flush.

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