Ok, not the changes I was expecting at Sanford;

T. Denny Sanford, the richest man in South Dakota and a major donor to children’s charities, was being investigated for possible possession of child pornography, according to four people familiar with the probe.

Investigators with the South Dakota attorney general’s Division of Criminal Investigation obtained a search warrant as part of the probe, according to two of the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. They said the case was referred to the U.S. Department of Justice for further investigation.

Sanford has not been charged with any crime. It’s not clear what evidence, if any, investigators used to obtain the search warrant or what they collected from the search. It’s also not clear how the investigation may have progressed since federal authorities received the referral or if it is still ongoing.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock. I wonder how long before the MSM in SD or SF picks this up . . .

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Billionaire T. Denny Sanford Was Under Investigation for Child Pornography”
  1. if anyone would be able to buy his way out and keep it out of the local press, it would be him.

  2. Say, speaking of kids and Sanford, whatever happen to that kids’ puppet program he mentioned a few years ago, during an interview with Angela (KELO), where he was going to fund this puppet program/show for pre-schools and early elementary grades throughout the country to hopefully help lessen the number of divorces in our nation? #WhoWantsToSeeMyPuppetShow?

    Oh, and welcome back, too! The week you closed down your blog, my dog almost died, too. So, I almost lost a blog and a dog in the same week. But I am happy to report that my dog is now recovering well, and now he can help me and “Woodstock” with our comments as well. 😉 #ThankGod #DogWithABlog

  3. “I hope this doesn’t ruin the Sanford International. It’s imperative that the SI go on, so that it can be effectively used to help reduce health care costs and enhance health care for all”….. #IHaveABridge4Sale

  4. What idiots we were. It was obviously already embedded in the name: Sanford falls.

  5. When is Kelo going to cover this story. What was going on Monday afternoon in the parking lot of First Premier Bank Card on North Benson Road.

  6. you beat the argus to the story. keto had nothing on it last nightalthough today on twitter, joe sneve said, “sometimes the argus gets beat…and sometimes it’s because we have higher standards.” and they also have to worry about sanford pulling their ads. as of 1230, still nothing on the kelo website.

  7. Think about it…there needs to be a meeting point for child trafficking, illegal organ harvesting, adrenochrome and being able to sell it…in other words there needs to be a connection where BANKING and “HEALTHCARE” meet. Does anyone know of a SD person that would fit this position? hmmmm?

  8. Remember folks, your deposits are insured by the FDIC, so no need to worry about that.

  9. Who said that predatory lent itself only to banking?

    Pedophilia lending, however, may be a new term, which addresses all of it, in terms of preying upon the young, the impressionable, the unknowing, and then placing them into an obligating and embarrassing imprisonment with no one to turn to.

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