Riverline District

Update: More ‘Ramming down our throats’ at 4 PM

Update: At the meeting Curt said the council hasn’t even seen the appraisal or purchase agreement yet. What’s up with that? Curt also said the project will cost $437 million. Then he cut an old guy off at public input but the next lady wasn’t having it. When are these clowns going to figure out the 1st Amendment?

Well, the administration can’t wait to waste more of the taxpayers time today at 4 PM during the informational;

A Bold Vision For Kids, Families and Economic Vitality by Natalie Eisenberg and Lynne Forbes, Co-Chairs of Friends of the Riverline District; Keith Severson, Finance Chair, Friends of the Riverline District and Sioux Falls Development Foundation Board Member; and Jeff Eckhoff, Director of Planning and Development Services, City of Sioux Falls

NOBODY CARES AND NOBODY WANTS THIS! If the vote were held in November it would fail by a large margin! All this is, is a real estate deal the mayor, his family and friends are cashing in on.

Things are not much better at the regular meeting, they now want to give even more money to the PRIVATE NON-PROFIT Veterans Home. Be curious if they got their poop in a group since this was deferred or if the city’s accounting department just rearranged the deck chairs?

They also have 1st reading to increase our property taxes. And while I don’t think it will get ALL 8 councilors to approve it they will certainly have the 4-5 votes to keep it going up. They will once again cry and whine during the discussion that ‘they feel our pain’ then vote for the increase anyway so they can keep paying the bonds on all our play palaces.

For as much as peeps in this town complain about rising property taxes guess how many will show up tonight and in two weeks to protest this? Probably ZERO. If something frustrates you, SHOW UP and give the council heck!

Why has the Riverline District gone silent?

I get nervous when the administration drops grenades then retreats.

After the big reveal of this district there seems to be little public discussion about what next steps are.

I have no doubt that after most of the comments came back negative to building a baseball stadium and the council knowing nothing about the proposed purchase agreement, that the committee has decided to pull back and work on a better messaging strategy.

It seems the truth really does hurt in this case.

There is also the question of the city getting involved with a purchase agreement. I would hope the city council had the 5 votes to kill this but I doubt it.

Rumors circulating that after January 1st the administration will ask for the quality of life bonds which will be about $30 million for pools and another $20 million for ‘other stuff’. Don’t hold your breath now, but I bet your bottom dollar that the Riverline District will be a part of this bond.

We are going to get that baseball stadium whether we want it or not.

What is really going on with the Riverline District?

GeoTek surveying the Riverline District Property • 2/7/23 (H/T to a South DaCola Foot Soldier for providing me the links)

That is an excellent question with few answers and a whole lot of speculation.

If you do a little research on the Minnehaha County GIS you will see where the current SD Social Services building is sitting. That property is NOT owned by the state but an LLC called ‘State Partners LLC’. The listed business address for the LLC is 101 South Reid Street, Suite 201 which is the exact same office address of Lloyd Companies in Downtown Sioux Falls.

While the information I provided above is factual, the rest of the story is purely speculative.

So why would a developer who already owns a huge chunk of this property (there are other individual owners for the smaller parcels) want to sell it to the city which passes it back to the development foundation and potentially SECOG then turns around and pitches it to the very developers who sold it to the city to begin with?

I know, baffling, but you know there has got to be a catch.

Now for the speculation; It could be that the developer is going to make money on both ends – current LLC sells high to the City; new LLC controlled by developer buys cheap from SF Development Foundation, after one or both suck TIF money for the project (and various other grants and tax rebates they can conjure up).

The other reason for city involvement could be in order to facilitate a land trade – offer city park and greenway property in exchange for land on which a stadium and parking would be placed (sound familiar)?

I really have no idea what path this project is taking, but we have to keep a close eye on the players and the conflicts of interest if taxpayer capital is involved. Just like the Bunker Bridge the council will probably only have a couple of hours to decide on this project.