(FF: 32:00)
When I first read the Sioux Falls City Council agenda this past weekend I assumed this item that was worded as if NSP was just burying a line was just that, burying a line – not quite. If you read the entire document posted on SIRE, you still have no idea what it is except that NSP is subcontracting with Verizon. It wasn’t until a city official explaining the item last night that it was revealed that it was a ‘small cell tower’ and then admitted it was a 5G tower. They also said that it was presented to the McKennan Park neighborhood association meeting but failed to tell the council that there was very few people at the meeting. In other words, I doubt many neighbors of McKennan Park know that there was a 1st reading on putting a butt ugly 5G tower in their park.
No where in the ordinance is 5G even mentioned.
I have noticed that the city has become very deceptive lately with its agenda item language surrounding public works and planning/zoning items. Gee, I wonder why? Oh that’s right, because this administration and majority of the council HATE OPEN AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT.
I hope some of my close neighbors over in the park read this post and spread the word and voice their opposition to octopus tower at the 2nd reading.
What will this tower look like? Perhaps, it can be painted brown with the upper electronic pieces painted in green. Will it be a mod tower, or will it have the look of a pre-mid century creation with a touch of Neoclassical Georgian or Shakespearean 16th century thatched look? The question then really becomes whether they want to make a statement with it by furthering the EPCOT look, which has permeated McKennan Park in recent years in an attempt to re-create and further establish an era, or will it merely be a tower found more along Pendar Lane and a perfect stop for Eddie Haskell’s dog?
It’s worse than you think. The Telecom Act considers cellular as a common (public) carrier. It allows for others to locate at an existing cell site. There are 15 potential wireless concerns. It’ll not all fit on one tower or even 3. Teflon Ten is sneaking in an antenna farm. The historical society sued over a 3 story house. Federal law will slam this down their throats.
The new thick green tall monopoles you’ve seen are cellular. Some have a flag on top but not for long. It interferes with transmission.
D@ily, Are they ditcking it there at mckennan because it is sort of a high spot or is it because it’s free (city park), I mean who gets the $ for the lease or whatever
There are a few 5G towers in Madison, all of them installed near DSU and the Middle/High School. Two of them are along Washington Ave, designed to look like the other street light poles. The other 5G tower is just some antennas mounted onto an existing wooden pole.
there is one on phillips down by republican crossroads at 28th don’t know if they’ll get fried though
5G is a higher frequency such that sites must be at optimum locations. Regular cellular can be 20 mi. from a tower while 5G must be 5 mi. and with line of sight. 5G is also less spectrum due to data saturation. A 5G tower must drop into fiber while regular cellular can handoff to other cell towers. The one tower at the park could be replaced with several sites. However, it’s still antenna structures in a residential area.
I worked for 35 years as cellular and microwave consultant. I often appeared at planning meetings promoting or arguing cellular locations. It can’t be done in Sioux Falls because the city has complete authority aside from public intervention. They can’t be sued because the judicial ordinance doesn’t allow appeals into court. Welcome to Home Rule Charter!
It’s gonna happen and can’t be stopped.
Many if not most monopoles are on city property. The city is exempt from zoning. I doubt there’s any lease compensation. I do suspect there’s some form of off record city official consideration.
Keep in mind – the CITY has accepted “federal grants” to install and establish our 5-G Network. There was no reason to exploit the people or their properties to become this ‘test’ city to create this 5-G network.
The CITY did this in order to get “Federal Monies”. But what they do not tell you, is the simple fact we surrender some of our rights, allow for the federal govt to regulate us, and that violates the U.S Constitution.
Why do we take so many federal grants, subsidies, tax benefits from the Federal Govt?
Hurry up and partake in the U.S Census – cause the CITY gets more federal monies based on population, and other aspects, which all go to the very developers whom re-shape this city.
I wonder if there was a guy in the early 1900’s with a printing press who was pissing and moaning about electricity poles and ugly transformers?
EF radiation from power poles does cause health problems. Try to insure your family if you live under a pole. If there was no danger, the insurance would be cheap and plentiful.
5G is a real problem .. on several fronts. That big telecom and Senator Thune are pushing it so hard without safety testing/standards is telling.
The British are coming.