UPDATE: A South DaCola foot soldier told me today that they heard an interview where Paul said he intends to run for a 2nd term as long as his COS, Erica Beck, is on board and she said she would stay on. I had to chuckle a bit, because Paul has to keep her on board if he serves a 2nd term, because she is the one running the city.

With about a year away from the 2022 municipal elections I’m sure most people have other things on their mind. For instance, Curt Soehl is also up for re-election as the Central District councilor, but he doesn’t have to announce for awhile, and I think that race will be quite crowded.

It seems strange to me that Paul hasn’t said one way or another if he is running again. He wouldn’t need some big news conference, just a simple press release saying he will or will not run again. At the very least, just to raise money.

If I was a betting man, my guess is that he will seek a 2nd term AND will beat his closest competitor in a landslide. I also think Paul knows the job is gravy train, that is why he pays his COS $177K a year to run the city for him while he makes supposed side developer deals with inside information. It’s win-win for everyone.

If he decides to NOT run again, my guess is there would be a long list of people that would think about running like Huether, Erickson, Neitzert, Jamison and Stehly.

If Paul does announce he is running I’m not sure if he will have any serious contenders, and it will sure be fun watching him debate David Z.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “UPDATE: Will TenHaken run for Re-election as Sioux Falls mayor?”
  1. TenHaken has not identified himself with the public. It’s gonna take some big time ad dollars. Huether left him with debt and incapacitated. Still, give voters a bucket of chicken and a ride to the polls, he’ll get elected. There’s not a good candidate. Any intelligent individual knows he/she must succumb to corrupt developers.

  2. If ThuneHaken runs again, will there only be convenient drop-off ballot boxes south of 57th Street? And if so, Taupeville conformity will guarantee his re-election, if he runs…. (“…Honey, should we drive our white or black SUV to the drop-off ballot box site?”…. (“Have you seen my trucker hat, Hun?”….))

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Drop-off ballot boxes only in Taupeville?!”…. “What is this, Georgia?”…)

  3. “100 Miles in 100 Days”, that sounds like fun, but what are we going to do about wages in the meantime?

  4. The loser mayor will take away your ability to make a $100 for every mile you do?

    How about: 100 miles in 100 days or we take away $100?

    How about: 100 miles in 100 days or we charge $100?

    How about: 100 miles in 100 days or we force you pay our church $100?

    How about: 100 miles in 100 days or we send our church lady to your house for 100 days?

    How about: 100 miles in 100 days or we make you listen to one of the mayor’s speeches?

  5. “‘100 miles’?”…. “How about if we have the current mayor hit the road like the last one”….. #GoodRiddance

  6. A windowpane blazer with luggage tan dress shoes that have marshmallow white, cushy soles. We have been here before with Knobe’s checker pants from the back side of Parade Magazine, a white belt, and some white Cousin Eddie dress shoes. We survived that, and we can survive the current city administration, too. But be careful to not get any of that Chick-fil-A sauce on your blazer in the meantime, however. But then again, maybe Raquel has some spot remover though.

  7. What about the lady who owns the dog poo pickup business? The one that played the shocking voicemail that wasn’t?

  8. Jeopardy is into gaslighting. Two can play that game. What about the “toolbox”, why can’t it fix covid, the “someday” Bunker Ramp, crime, potholes, or Sioux Steel II? Oh, and is the “toolbox” where he keeps the tape for his red line moments, too?

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