(FF 12:10)

Don basically talks about how the city attorney’s office did an outstanding job getting the Sioux Steel easement pushed through. Pretty crazy to hear a city director brag about getting the city council to possibly violate open meeting laws by voting on an agenda item without giving the public the whole story. We still have NO idea how this suddenly became park land or what that process was.

Also note that if you watched the council meeting the assistant city attorney said the council could vote to release that information, but guess when they were told they could vote to release the information? Five minutes before the 2nd reading. Yeah, now that’s transparency.

Also note that the first phase of the project will be the residential portion and not the hotel and entertainment part. Go figure.

One Thought on “Sioux Falls Parks Director brags about the Snowjob pulled on the City Council

  1. The Guy From Guernsey on July 26, 2021 at 8:37 pm said:

    Mr. Kearney’s standard for “outstanding” differs substantially from mine.
    I found the response to Brekke’s question by the Deputy City Attorney to be meally-mouthed and circular double talk, entirely absent of a direct answer to Councilor Brekke’s question.
    And, yes, the Deputy City Attorney apparently dropped information to Brekke’s attention just prior to the Council meeting.
    Paraphrasing, “Oh ya, I misspoke in offering previous counsel to you. It was incorrect information. I’ve revised it. Here it is in this document. You won’t have time to read it, so you can’t possibly digest the entirety of the contents. But remember, you can’t divulge its contents because … uhm, attorney client privilege.”
    Extremely unprofessional.

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