Last night at the joint Minnehaha County/Sioux Falls City Council meeting, Bob Kolbe brings his old shotgun for a presentation during open public input about how Republicans and the NRA have lost their minds. I’m with Bob, I support the 2nd Amendment and believe it is crucial that citizens can bear arms, but I am also in agreement with Bob, that 2nd Amendment clearly spells out with that right there is a responsibility of government to regulate that right. Just look at abortion, it was a right for 50 years, with regulation. Same goes for the 1st Amendment, numerous regulations with it comes to obscenity and libel.

What some may be wondering though is how did Kolbe walk into Carnegie, a public meeting space, with a gun (which I would assume was NOT loaded). Guess what? It is completely legal according to state law. Years ago (I believe during the Munson Administration) several councilors wanted to ban weapons at Carnegie Town Hall but quickly found out that they cannot because of our wacky legislature who thinks you should be able to carry guns anywhere. I have often been nervous about coming to meetings that have controversial items because there is nothing stopping anyone from walking into ANY public building in this city with a gun (I think the Federal and County Courthouse and Post Office is exempt). I do not own a gun and never have, but I support people who choose to. Now if we can only convince people to stop bringing them everywhere, especially public meetings.

By l3wis

20 thoughts on “Former Minnehaha Commissioner Kolbe brings his critter gun to Carnegie”
  1. That way, only the person that wants to kill people (against the law, btw) will have a gun, and all the law abiding folks (you) will be defenseless. That’s why nutjobs prey on schools and not police stations.

  2. I own all kinds of power tools. Carpentry is one of my favorite hobbies. AND, I guess that’s my way to handle my testosterone demands. If people killed people with power tools, however, and in an increasing manner in our society today, I would then be embarrassed to own my power tools. So, maybe that’s why I don’t own a nail gun.

  3. “Say, since Alito only thinks that the 14th Amendment applies to rights found in 1867 and prior”….. “Does that mean he only believes the 2nd Amendment applies to muskets?”…. #NationalMusketAssociation

  4. So, let me get this right. A free man owns a gun because he fears he is not free, is that right? Or, is it that the gun makes him free? But, if that is the case, then are those of us who do not own guns then freeloaders? And if guns make you free why do such staunch gun owners always have the eyes of a paranoid, owned man looking down the barrel of a gun? AND, can you be owned and free at the same time? AND, if none gun owners are freeloaders, then why aren’t they guaranteed to not be a victim of a gun? AND, if a gun would then make a freeloader more safe, then how free are they if their choice has been destroyed?

  5. Froot Loops and guns, I think I know where this is going. (Don’t you hate it when you can figure out the plot early in a movie?) ….

  6. Scott,
    Citizens of the State of South Dakota can in fact freely carry their guns anywhere in the State on public and prviate property. After all this is how ‘we’ as the militiamen and women defend the interests of the state from those who attempt to harm us. In fact, the same laws that give Citizens the right to carry guns in public places, also bans “Non-citizens” from carrying guns in public places in South Dakota. By law, law enforcement is to ask them to leave the premises, remove their gun, let alone fine them for doing so. It is how a community protects itself from outsiders. It is simply an “Old West Policy” of protecting our beloved Citizens. You allow for Open Carry of Guns for Citizens, while you ban the right to carry guns of non-citizens coming into your Town. It worked very well…

  7. Robert to his grandkids:
    Hey guys! Watch Citilink! I’m gonna be famous! More Props!!!!!

    17 views later….

    Hey Grandpa! You we’re awesome! Loved the suspenders! We are so proud of you. You really are famous!

  8. “…. In fact, the same laws that give Citizens the right to carry guns in public places, also bans “Non-citizens” from carrying guns in public places in South Dakota. By law, law enforcement is to ask them to leave the premises, remove their gun, let alone fine them for doing so. It is how a community protects itself from outsiders. It is simply an “Old West Policy” of protecting our beloved Citizens. You allow for Open Carry of Guns for Citizens, while you ban the right to carry guns of non-citizens coming into your Town. It worked very well… ….”

    So Mike, you are in disagreement with Senator Thune?…:

  9. Yep, old “You are right” comes up with the old adage: “If you take away the guns, then only criminals will have guns”, doesn’t he?…. So “Yar” must want to arm kids, huh?… Because we know the police at times are too scared to enter a school with an armed man, aren’t they?

  10. ‘Critter Gun to Carnegie’: Weren’t both Wayne and Eastwood in that movie?

  11. Fruit Loops and Guns. Next, Aliens. There’s more entertainment at Carnegie than the Denty or Bazillion.

  12. Carnegie was once a library of knowledge. It has now become a space of emptiness that craves the enlightenment of Bob.

    Aliens? Perhaps, ‘Ancient Aliens’ should do an episode about Bob’s enlightenment.

    And come to think of it, like the microwave oven, wasn’t Fruit Loops initially first created soon after the Roswell incident?

    I can’t wait for Act III.

  13. non-citizens of where? south dakota? the usa? is mike z worried about canadians, mexicans, or muslims?

  14. In the OLD WEST – CITIZENS of a community or town would always force outsiders or non-citizens (residents) to leave their guns at the front door upon entering the city. These laws began being adopted based on the violence of the cowboys, native indians, ranchers who would often come into the town, spend a night in the pubs get drunk, and begin to raise ruccus. So ONLY Citizens could carry a gun, while non-residents had to leave t heir guns at the front door. This is how a community protects itself. Those who did follow the law, then were placed in jail, or banished from the community.

  15. who will be checking id’s to make sure only residents of sioux falls have guns?

  16. “Now ‘Hoss’, he looked like a bar bouncer who would check IDs” … “And, what about Fetus?”…. “And did The Rifleman’s modified gun meet ATF requirements?” …. “‘F Troop’ was the best, however ….”

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