During the Informational meeting yesterday I spoke about the Pavilion’s slow growth in concert revenue and memberships as well as charging to attend regional art shows. (FF: 49:20) Below is a graphic of the current annual report.

During the city council regular meeting I talked about transparency in government (FF: 7:00) and the FREE youth bus rides (FF: 15:10). For clarification, several advocacy groups have been pushing for this for over a decade. Last Fall a couple people from those groups reached out to me to blog about it. I then reached out to former SF School board president Cynthia Mickelson who currently still serves on the board. She thought it was a good idea since the school district has been struggling with their own bus system and she reached out to councilor Curt Soehl and they have been working diligently to get it pushed through the transit board. A big thank you to both of them for their diligence.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Washington Pavilion, Transparency and FREE youth bus rides”
  1. While I agree with you on providing bus rides for school children, which many believe is a public service, but, anything outside of that is private activity, and should be charged to all ages young or old, otherwise it would be considered socialism.

    As for the Pavilion, it matters not if tge entity loses or makes money, its a historical asset that we tge people votes to maintain and use for specific activity. Wr chose to use public taxes to maintain, and service the building, yet alone allow a non profit group manage the daily activity of providing free or discounted services to the public. If we were to tear down the building the land would have been used Ad a public park, making no money let no public benefit except except swings, slides, and green space.

  2. Mike, thousands of communities across the country subsidize public transit because it is an economic development tool. The same argument used for TIFs. Kansas City saw this. It is cheaper to provide FREE rides to a job then it is to subsidize people with other social programs if they are unable to get to work.

    Trust me, I am aware of the millions we dump into the Pavilion every year for upkeep. I still think a better use would have been converting it into a shared administration building for the county and city. After 20+ years I still don’t think the Pavilion serves a very big percentage of the population. With a city our size, the Pavilion should have at least 10,000 memberships.

  3. The Pavilion has been around 22 years. Each year has problems with liquidity. Maintenance is a major issue. Isn’t it time to repurpose or sell it? No one is to blame. It was an idea that didn’t work.

    Free transportation for youth is a good idea. However, there are youth who will abuse the privilege. When there’s disobedience, if they taunt seniors/handicaped, or it’s a joy ride for potheads there must be a method to control them. This makes bus drivers cops. There could be altercations and/or resignations.

  4. A “public service” is not socialism, huh? That’s interesting. So, if the government does it for you, then it is not socialism, but if the government gives you a hand-out which empowers you to do it for yourself, then it is socialism? But wouldn’t you think the government program which relies on self action would be perceived as less socialistic than the program that hands something to a dependent and inactive citizen? In other words, if the government were to send me food, then it’s a public service, but if the government sends me an EBT card in the mail, then it’s socialism, is that right?

  5. IF the “City” provides a free service to the public with no expectation for some residents to pay, it is considered “Socialism”. Whereas the CITY provides a service, but the residents “PAY” a duty or user fee to utilize the service, it is NOT socialism, but a business type transaction. The “FEES” just as my repair shop, are used to pay the bills, the utlities, and buy the inventory that is required to provide the service.

    As for the Washington Pavilon – the CITY cannot get rid of the former Highschool, if they were to bulldoze it down, it would have to be “Green Space” or a School or a Science Center. Being a former Washington High Graduate, I am thankful for the historical preservation of the Building and enjoy all the benefits it provides today regardless of the cost. It is a ‘city’ building, and is being well managed.

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