Sioux Falls artist Walter Portz is painting this mural on a wall of an old warehouse next to the Sioux Steel project. It faces the grounds of the Levitt Pavilion.

Looks like a girl about to eat an orange (just as long as it is NOT a shirtless Native we are good 🙁 I wouldn’t want the Mayor’s Art Police to deem it inappropriate.)

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “New Mural at Levitt”
  1. I can never look at a mural in this town without thinking about Black Sheep Coffee. Oh, how the times have changed. But, a girl eating an orange, is this some type of illustration depicting the struggles of early English women against the Normans, or the modern feminist struggle against Trumpism? Or, does it speak surrealistically to Anita Bryant’s once homophobic obsessions? Regardless, we have come a long ways baby! There was a time when java could not be disturbed, but now we live in a time of an orange, a girl, and Levitt. It hasn’t been clockwork, or is that A Clockwork Orange? But it has been artful how murals have become en vogue. I would say that it’s a sign of our times, but that would be way too cliche.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, now this girl”…. “Any chance she looks like Dua?”…. 🙂 )

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